ISSN: 1885-5857 Impact factor 2023 7.2
Vol. 77. Num. 5.
Pages 418-425 (May 2024)

Editor's page
Revista Española de Cardiología 2023

Revista Española de Cardiología 2023

Juan SanchisaPablo AvanzasbDavid Filgueiras-RamabPablo García-PavíabLaura Sanchisb
Imagen extra
Rev Esp Cardiol. 2024;77:418-25

In 2023, Revista Española de Cardiología (Rev Esp Cardiol)1,2 completed its second year under the guidance of the current editorial team. This article provides a review of recent activity, primarily focused on consolidating and advancing the initiatives proposed during the first year.


As reported in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) data for 2022 (published in 2023), the impact factor for Rev Esp Cardiol was 5.9, maintaining the journal's standing in the first quartile of cardiovascular publications. This statistic was anticipated with some uncertainty due to recent changes in impact factor calculations, stemming from the debate surrounding early access content and the measures to mitigate the effect of COVID-related articles. These issues are believed to have contributed to the observed increase in impact factors among most journals in the preceding 2 years. The current edition of JCR reveals a widespread decrease in impact factor among journals. Notably, among all categories in the JCR data for 2021, 72% of journals in the first quartile experienced a decline in impact factor in 2022. Furthermore, among journals in the first quartile of JCR in 2021, 42% saw their impact factor decrease by more than 10% in 2022. In keeping with this shift, the impact factor for Rev Esp Cardiol also decreased by around 1 point, but in the context of this general decline, the journal has maintained its position among cardiovascular publications. The historical low of 13% for self-citation, highlighting the journal's robustness is worthy of note. Judging by the citations received, original articles on heart failure and epidemiology attracted the most interest, suggesting that research activity in these 2 subspecialties is particularly intense in Spain. The article receiving the largest number of citations in this edition was “Impact of COVID-19 on ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction care. The Spanish experience” by Rodríguez-Leor et al.3 This study won an award from the Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC) as the article published in Rev Esp Cardiol with the strongest international impact.


The total number of submissions received, including original articles, scientific letters, and images in cardiology, is shown in figure 1. There was a modest recovery in the number submissions received in 2023 compared with the historical low in 2022. However, submissions are still lower than the historical peak reached in 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The notable decreasing trend in scientific letter submission, already evident in 2022, has persisted. It is plausible that the editorial team's current policy of rejecting scientific letters containing a single clinical case may have had a certain dissuasive effect. We believe that the scientific letter format is useful for producing short hypothesis-generating articles and presenting brief case series. We therefore encourage authors to submit letters conforming to this perspective.

Figure 1.

Number of original articles, scientific letters, and images in cardiology submitted to Rev Esp Cardiol for assessment, 2016-2023.


The distribution of original articles submitted to the journal by categories is shown in figure 2. There was a predominance of articles on epidemiology (n=85), followed by heart failure (n=57), ischemic heart disease (n=43), and interventional cardiology (n=42). More than half the original articles submitted (55%) came from Spain (figure 3), and 62% of the total were in English (figure 4). This indicates that a considerable number of Spanish articles were submitted in English. The acceptance rate for original articles was 17%, very similar to the previous year (figure 5). Additionally, in 2023, Rev Esp Cardiol continued publishing review articles by well-known experts,4–8 special documents,9,10 and national registries of clinical activity related to interventional cardiology, ablation procedures, pacemaker implantation, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator interventions, and heart transplants.11–15

Figure 2.

Original articles (n) submitted to Rev Esp Cardiol in 2023, by topic-based categories.

Figure 3.

Origin of the original articles submitted to Rev Esp Cardiol in 2023.

Figure 4.

Language in which original articles were submitted for evaluation in Rev Esp Cardiol, 2016-2023.

Figure 5.

Editorial decisions regarding original articles submitted to Rev Esp Cardiol, 2016-2023. The percentage of acceptance over the total of decisions for original articles is shown above each bar.


Articles submitted in English were made available in that language in the preliminary test format 20 days after acceptance on the journal's website and 18 days later in Medline. We view this prompt response as an achievement of Rev Esp Cardiol and wish to acknowledge the efforts of the editorial office and our publisher, Elsevier, in making this possible. Publication in Medline of articles submitted in Spanish took somewhat longer, as the version indexed in Medline is in English rather than Spanish, translation into English is required before these articles can appear in this repository. However, starting in January 2023, we began releasing a preliminary version in the second language on both our website and ScienceDirect with the aim of hastening dissemination of these articles.


Reviewers’ dedication and expertise are fundamental values at Rev Esp Cardiol. Once again, we express our gratitude to our reviewers for their commitment to the journal. Table 1 and table 2 contain a comprehensive list of all Rev Esp Cardiol reviewers and elite reviewers. Elite reviewer recognition is determined through an automated calculation that includes the number of evaluations and their quality and speed. The reviewers’ average turnaround time for evaluating an original article was 10.5 days (figure 6). This excellent and consistent performance has been maintained year after year. We believe that attempts to speed up this process could jeopardize the quality of the reviews.

Table 1.

Professionals who collaborated as reviewers for Revista Española de Cardiología in 2023

Juan Acosta 
María Ajejas 
Finn Akerström 
Arístides Alarcón 
Alejandro Alcaine 
Manuel Alcázar 
Guillermo Aldama 
Josep M. Alegret 
Fernando Alfonso 
Luis Almenar 
Manuel Almendro 
Joaquín Alonso 
Rafael Alonso-González 
Gonzalo L. Alonso-Salinas 
Alberto Alperi 
Miguel Álvarez 
Jesús Álvarez-García 
Carlos Álvarez-Ortega 
Ignacio J. Amat 
Dominick Angiolillo 
Manuel P. Anguita 
Eduardo Arana 
Javier Aranceta 
Miguel Á. Arias 
Albert Ariza 
Eduardo Armada 
Ángel Aroca 
Vicente Arrarte 
Antonio Arrebola 
Dabit Arzamendi 
Pablo Ávila 
Juan J. Badimón 
Enrique J. Balbacid 
José Banegas 
Alfredo Bardají 
José Barrabes 
Ana Barradas 
Manuel Barreiro 
Roberto Barriales 
Teresa Bastante 
Javier Bautista 
Antoni Bayés-Genís 
José A. Baz 
Víctor Bazán 
Víctor M. Becerra 
Javier Bermejo 
Francisco J. Bermúdez 
Marcelino Bermúdez 
J. Luis Bernal 
Giuseppe Biondi 
Sara Blasco 
Zorba Blázquez 
Vicente Bodí 
Clara Bonanad 
Araceli Boraita 
Serge Boveda 
Sem Briongos 
Josep Brugada 
Héctor Bueno 
David Calvo 
Enrique Calvo 
Francisco E. Calvo 
Naiara Calvo 
Óscar Campuzano 
Raquel Campuzano 
Pedro Caravaca 
Juan Caro 
Amelia Carro 
Antonio Cartón 
José M. Castellano 
Sergio Castrejón 
Antonio J. Castro 
Víctor Castro 
Pedro Cepas 
Francisco J. Chorro 
Marta Cobo 
Miguel Á. Cobos 
Antonio Coca 
Pau Codina 
Luciano Consuegra 
Ramón Corbalán 
Alberto Cordero 
Juan Cosín-Sales 
Eliecer Coto 
David Couto 
Guillermo Cuervo 
Emilio Cuesta 
Regina Dalmau 
Tomás Datino 
José A. de Agustín 
Fernando de Frutos 
Javier de Juan Bagudá 
Rafael E. de la Espriella 
Jesús M. de la Hera 
José M. de la Torre-Hernández 
Irene R. Dégano 
M. Jesús del Cerro 
Raquel del Valle 
Mónica Delgado 
Francisco Díaz 
José F. Díaz 
Leonel Díaz-González 
Jesús Díaz-Gutiérrez 
Beatriz Díaz-Molina 
Elena Díaz-Peláez 
Javier Díez 
Carles Díez-López 
Pablo Díez-Villanueva 
David Dobarro 
Adelina Doltra 
Juan A. Domingo 
Fernando Domínguez 
Jorge N. Domínguez-Macías 
Laura Domínguez-Pérez 
Alberto Domínguez-Rodríguez 
Ignacio Dorado 
Laura Dos 
Alejandro Durante 
Sonia Eiras 
Rocío Eiros 
Jaime Elízaga 
Cristina Enjuanes 
Daniel Enríquez 
Carlos Escobar 
Laura Escolà-Vergé 
Pilar Escribano 
Alberto Esteban 
Rodrigo Estévez 
Vicente Estrada 
Marta Farrero 
Ángel L. Fernández 
Juan Fernández-Armenta 
Agustín Fernández-Cisnal 
José A. Fernández-Díaz 
Covadonga Fernández-Golfín 
Nuria Fernández-Hidalgo 
Rodrigo Fernández-Jiménez 
Ignacio Fernández-Lozano 
Alejandro Fernández-Montero 
Carlos Fernández-Palomeque 
Diego Fernández-Rodríguez 
Marcos Ferrández 
Ignacio Ferreira-González 
José L. Ferreiro 
Carlos Ferrera 
Adolfo Fontenla 
Eduardo Franco 
Carlos Galán 
María Gallego-Delgado 
Juan García de Lara 
Carlos García Santos-Gallego 
Ana García-Álvarez 
Ignacio García-Bolao 
Alberto García-Lledó 
Inés García-Lunar 
Xavier García-Moll 
Rocío García-Orta 
Antonio García-Quintana 
José A. García-Robles 
Jessica García-Suárez 
Juan R. Gimeno 
Pablo Gómez del Arco 
Manuel Gómez-Bueno 
Juan J. Gómez-Doblas 
Dulcenombre Gómez-Garre 
Joan A. Gómez-Hospital 
M. Carmen Gómez-Rubín 
Esther González 
David González-Calle 
José González-Costello 
Juan J. González-Ferrer 
José R. González-Juanatey 
Arantxa González-Miqueo 
Violeta González-Salvado 
José M. González-Santos 
Esteban González-Torrecilla 
Francisco González-Vílchez 
José L. Górriz 
Eduard Guasch 
José M. Guerra 
Enrique Gutiérrez-Ibañes 
Iván Hernández-Betancor 
Felipe Hernández-Hernández 
Francisco J. Hernández-Pérez 
Javier Higueras 
Ignacio Iglesias-Garriz 
Raban Jeger 
Carmen Jiménez 
David Jiménez 
Marta Jiménez-Blanco 
Javier Jiménez-Candil 
Manuel F. Jiménez-Navarro 
Pilar Jiménez-Quevedo 
Santiago Jiménez-Valero 
Pablo Jorge 
Alfonso Jurado-Román 
Adnan Kastrati 
Won-Keun Kim 
Enrique Lara 
José M. Larrañaga 
María Lázaro 
Pablo Loma-Osorio 
Juan C. López-Azor 
Esteban López-de-Sá 
José López-Haldón 
Manuel López-Meseguer 
Diego López-Otero 
Ramón López-Palop 
Rebeca Lorca 
Íñigo Lozano 
Álvaro Macías 
Begoña Manso 
Francisco Marín 
Manuel Marina 
Gerard Martí 
María Martín 
Beatriz Martín-Fernández 
Pilar Martín-Fernández 
Pedro Martínez 
Isaac Martínez-Bendayán 
Eduardo Martínez-Gómez 
Sergio Martínez-Hervás 
Amparo Martínez-Monzonís 
José L. Martínez-Sande 
Manuel Martínez-Sellés 
Pilar Mazón 
Andrea Mazzanti 
Ana Méndez 
Irene Méndez 
Dolores Mesa-Rubio 
Sonia Mirabet 
Ángel L. Miracle 
Cristina Mitroi 
Javier Modrego 
Pedro Moliner 
Emilio Monguió 
Manuel Monreal 
Elena Montañés 
Juan M. Monteagudo 
Vanessa Moñivas 
Cesar Morís 
Guillermo Muñiz 
Antonio J. Muñoz-García 
José Nativi 
Luis Nombela 
Francisco J. Noriega 
Julio Núñez 
Iván J. Núñez-Gil 
Estefanía Núñez-Sánchez 
Soledad Ojeda 
Carolina Ortiz 
Joaquín Osca 
Armando Oterino 
Julián Palomino 
Manuel Pan 
Isaac Pascual 
Rafael Peinado 
Laura Peña 
Pablo Peñafiel 
Daniel Pereda 
Diego Pérez 
Leopoldo Pérez de Isla 
Armando Pérez de Prado 
Esther Pérez-David 
Antonia Pijuan 
Jesús Piqueras 
Gonzalo Pizarro 
María N. Pizzi 
Julia Playán 
Marta Pombo 
Andreu Porta 
Eduardo Pozo 
Susanna Prat 
Raquel Prieto 
Juan Puig 
Valentina O. Puntmann 
Juan Quiles 
Jorge G. Quintanilla 
Raúl Ramallal 
Antonio Ramos 
Diego Rangel 
Sergio Raposeiras-Roubín 
Susana Ravassa 
Carlos Real 
Elena Refoyo 
Ander Regueiro 
María A. Restrepo 
César Ríos 
Juan J. Ríos 
Tomás Ripoll 
Mercedes Rivas 
José Rivera 
Luis Rodríguez-Padial 
José F. Rodríguez-Palomares 
María J. Rodríguez-Puras 
Nieves Romero-Rodríguez 
José Rozado 
María J. Ruiz-Cano 
Juan M. Ruiz-Nodar 
Ricardo Salgado 
Rafael Salguero 
Luisa Salido 
Pablo Salinas 
Adriana Saltijeral 
José A. San Román 
Inmaculada Sánchez 
Ángel Sánchez-Recalde 
Miriam Sandín 
Elena Sandoval 
Marcelo Sanmartín 
Enrique Santas 
Javier Sanz 
María Sanz de la Garza 
Georgia Sarquella 
Sebastian I. Sarvari 
Javier Segovia 
Aida Serra 
Jacobo Silva 
Alessandro Sionis 
Marta Sitges 
Laura Sommerfeld 
Maite Subirana 
Antonio Tello 
Gabriela Tirado 
M. Teresa Tomé 
Jorge Toquero 
Rocío Toro 
Yale Tung Chen 
Leire Unzué 
Irene Valverde 
Ravi Vazirani 
Rafael Vidal 
Gemma Vilahur 
Eduardo Villacorta 
David Vivas 
Juan I. Zabala 
Eduardo Zatarain 
Esther Zorio 
Table 2.

Elite reviewers, 2023

Fernando Alfonso 
Alberto Cordero 
Juan Cosín-Sales 
Francisco González-Vílchez 
Enrique Gutiérrez-Ibañes 
Francisco Marín 
Armando Pérez de Prado 
Ander Regueiro 
Juan M. Ruiz-Nodar 
Ricardo Salgado 
Figure 6.

Turnaround time to the first decision (days). Reviewer evaluation times: overall and exclusively for original articles.

Engagement with young cardiologists and internal medicine residents

In the scientific letter format, we published the top 2 clinical cases presented in the SEC's Clinical Cases League.16,17 As was done the year before, these articles were accompanied by an editorial comment highlighting their most instructive elements.18,19

Two awards for articles published in Rev Esp Cardiol were presented at the 2023 SEC Congress. The first award is for the best article whose first author is a cardiology resident in a Spanish hospital,20 and the second award is for the best original study whose first author is a cardiology specialist aged 40 years or younger.21 Both these awards aim to encourage research among emerging Spanish cardiologists. We are concerned about the somewhat limited involvement of young professionals in research activities. The cause is multifactorial and an analysis goes beyond the scope of this article, but we believe it is appropriate to mention the problem. Improving this situation should be a shared objective of all Spanish cardiologists and related subspecialties. At Rev Esp Cardiol, we believe that the stimulating task of peer reviewing could be an appealing way to engage this group in scientific publication.


A single supplement, New Approaches In Residual Cardiovascular Risk,22 was published in 2023. As announced in 2022, publication of REC Supplements has been temporarily discontinued since then. In addition, a special issue was published containing all communications presented at the 2023 SEC Congress held in Malaga.23

Ethical considerations

In keeping with international guidelines, articles in Rev Esp Cardiol now have a specific section entitled “Ethical considerations” that includes information on ethics committees, consent procedures, and adherence to the SAGAR guidelines, as well as a statement on the use of artificial intelligence tools.

Social media

The journal continues to maintain a dynamic presence on social networks. As of January 1, 2024, there were 21 654 followers (1500 new followers in 2023) in the REC Publications account24 in X (formerly Twitter), and 10 891 followers on Facebook.25 Interviews with our featured authors are published regularly on the Rev Esp Cardiol blog26 and the SEC website, and through the SEC News and other Society newsletters. We wish to express our gratitude to the ICT consultant for REC Publications, Juan Quiles, for his outstanding contribution to our social media endeavours.


We believe that the Rev Esp Cardiol27 website would benefit from an update to make its content more user-friendly and appealing. This may be one of the most exciting goals established for 2024, and we are pleased to announce that we have already taken the first steps in this direction.


In 2023, there was a notable increase in the number of articles that could not be accepted for publication in Rev Esp Cardiol. However, many of these articles were offered the option to transfer to one of the other 2 publications within the SEC scientific journal family, REC Publications, with particular emphasis on original articles (figure 7). The number of authors accepting this proposal has grown substantially.

Figure 7.

Offers to transfer original articles from Rev Esp Cardiol to REC Publications. RCC, REC:CardioClinics; RIC, REC:Interventional Cardiology.


We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the editorial teams of both these journals for their accomplishments in 2023. REC: Interventional Cardiology28 has achieved its first impact factor (1.4), while REC: CardioClinics29 has experienced a significant increase in the number of submissions.

The article entitled “Predictors of sudden death in dilated cardiomyopathy: Beyond the presence of late gadolinium enhancement”,30 authored by Rodríguez-Sánchez et al., received the second-place prize in the 2023 Magda Heras Awards for the Best Published Studies in Iberoamerican Cardiovascular journals. From this edition onward, Rev Esp Cardiol has transferred management of the Award to the InterAmerican Society of Cardiology and has voluntarily withdrawn its participation.


The current international situation for cardiology journals is highly competitive. The increasing number of publications, some of them within well-established journal families, is a compelling incentive for authors to submit their articles. In addition, the emergence of the open access model in numerous journals is significantly changing the scientific publishing landscape. In this regard, there is a growing trend among funding agencies and public institutions to prioritize the publication of research results in open access format.

Within this complex scenario, it is important to highlight 2 key aspects. First, the unwavering commitment of Rev Esp Cardiol to Spanish cardiologists. Their articles have positioned the journal at the forefront of cardiovascular publications. Second, the consistent support for Rev Esp Cardiol from the successive executive committees of the SEC, which has been essential for the viability of our journal.






First, we would like to express our gratitude for the professional work of the editorial office at REC Publications (Eva M. Cardenal, María González-Nogal, Belén Juan, Helena Gómez-Lobo, and Javier Esquinas), directed by Iria del Río.

Furthermore, we wish to highlight, once again, the efforts of the translation and correction teams. Their rigorous work and attention to detail are instrumental in preserving the bilingual nature of our journal. We continue to rely on a skilled team of professionals with years of experience linked to the journal, coordinated by Gail Craigie, copyeditor of the English version. Their work is essential for sustaining the international prestige of our publication, spotlighting the prominence of Spanish cardiology. Finally, we extend our thanks to all departments of Casa del Corazón for their work, which contributes to the success of the REC Publications family.

J. Sanchis, P. Avanzas, D. Filgueiras-Rama, P. García-Pavía, L. Sanchis.
Revista Española de Cardiología 2022.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 370-378
J. Sanchis, P. Avanzas, D. Filgueiras-Rama, P. García-Pavía, L. Sanchis.
Self-reported, nonaudited, multicenter registries.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 58-59
O. Rodríguez-Leor, B. Cid-Álvarez, A. Armando Pérez de Prado, et al.
Impact of COVID-19 on ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction care. The Spanish experience.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2020), 73 pp. 994-1002
E. Ferrer-Sistach, A. Teis, A. Bayés-Genís, V. Delgado.
Multimodality imaging in aortic stenosis: new diagnostic and therapeutic frontiers.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 40-46
R. de la Espriella, M. Cobo, E. Santas, et al.
Assessment of filling pressures and fluid overload in heart failure: an updated perspective.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 47-57
P. Sánchez-Luna, I.J. Amat-Santos.
Interventional management of mechanical complications in acute myocardial infarction.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 362-369
M. Rubini Gimenez, J. Boeddinghaus, T. Nestelberger, L. Koechlin, P. López-Ayala, C. Müller.
Implementation of the ESC 0h/1h high-sensitivity troponin algorithm for decision-making in the emergency department.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 468-472
M. Barreiro-Pérez, P. Pastor Pueyo, S. Raposeiras-Roubín, et al.
Myocarditis related SARS-CoV-2 infection or vaccination: an expert consensus statement on its diagnosis and management.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 555-563
M. Barreiro-Pérez, B. Cabeza, D. Calvo, et al.
Magnetic resonance in patients with cardiovascular devices SEC-GT CRMTC/SEC-Heart Rhythm Association/SERAM/SEICAT consensus document.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 183-196
M. Martínez-Sellés, F.J. Hernández-Pérez, A. Uribarri, et al.
Cardiogenic shock code 2023 Expert document for a multidisciplinary organization that allows quality care.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 261-269
M. Pombo Jiménez, J. Chimeno García, V. Bertomeu González, Ó. Cano Pérez.
Spanish pacemaker registry 20th official report of the Heart Rhythm Association of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (2022).
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 1032-1041
A. Jurado-Román, X. Freixa, B. Cid, I. Cruz-González, on behalf of the ACI-SEC.
Spanish cardiac catheterization and coronary intervention registry 32nd official report of the Interventional Cardiology Association of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (1990-2022).
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 1021-1031
O. Cano, V. Bazán, E. Arana, on behalf of the collaborators of the Spanish Catheter Ablation Registry.
Spanish catheter ablation registry 22nd official report of the Heart Rhythm Association of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (2022).
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 910-921
I. Fernández Lozano, J. Osca Asensi, J. Alzueta Rodríguez.
Spanish implantable cardioverter-defibrillator registry 19th official report of Heart Rhythm Association of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (2022).
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 922-935
F. González-Vílchez, F. Hernández-Pérez, L. Almenar-Bonet, on behalf of the Spanish Heart Transplant Teams. Spanish heart transplant registry. 34th official report of the Heart Failure Association of the Spanish Society of Cardiology, et al.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 901-909
D. de Castro, B. Angulo-Lara, D. Pujol-Pocull, C. Collado-Macián, E. González-López.
Ventricular hypertrophy and family history of cardiac amyloidosis: is it always what it seems?.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 1061-1069
I. Gallo Fernández, J. Rodríguez Nieto, J. Perea Armijo, D. Pastor Wulf, J. López Baizán, M. Delgado Ortega.
Middle-aged woman with congestive symptoms: more than just pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 1061-1069
T. Ripoll-Vera.
La sabiduría está en aplicar un juicio clínico crítico que trascienda las simples apariencias. A propósito de un caso de hipertrofia ventricular.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 952-953
P. Escribano-Subías.
Chronic Whipple's disease, a diagnostic challenge for the cardiologist.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 954-955
A. Gabaldón-Pérez, C. Bonanad, S. García-Blas, et al.
Stress cardiac magnetic resonance for mortality prediction and decision-making: registry of 2496 elderly patients with chronic coronary syndrome.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2021), 75 pp. 223-231
F. Domínguez, R. Cobas Paz, C. Salas Antón, et al.
Endomyocardial biopsy-confirmed myocarditis and inflammatory cardiomyopathy: clinical profile and prognosis.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2022), 75 pp. 149-158
Riesgo cardiovascular residual: nuevos enfoques. Rev Esp Cardiol Supl. 2023;23 Supl A:1-28.
SEC 2023 - El Congreso de la Salud Cardiovascular. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2023;76(Supl 1).
@RevEspCardiol. X. Available from: Accessed 11 Jan 2024.
Revista Española de Cardiología Publications. Facebook. Available from: Accessed 9 Jan 2024.
Sociedad Española de Cardiología. Blog Revista Española de Cardiología. Available from: Accessed 2 Jan 2024.
Rev Esp Cardiol. Available from: Accessed 9 Jan 2024.
J.M. De la Torre-Hernández, F. Alfonso, R. Moren, S. Ojeda, A. Pérez de Prado, R. Romaguera.
Marking a milestone REC: Interventional Cardiology assigned its first impact factor.
REC Interv Cardiol., (2023), 5 pp. 239-246
S. Raposeiras Roubín, E. Díaz Peláez, V. Cañadas Godoy.
REC: CardioClinics, un referente para la cardiología clínica.
I. Rodríguez-Sánchez, U. Aguirre Larracoechea, V. Gómez Sánchez, et al.
Predictores de muerte súbita en miocardiopatía dilatada: más allá de la presencia de realce tardío de gadolinio.
REC CardioClinics., (2022), 57 pp. 182-193
Copyright © 2024. Sociedad Española de Cardiología
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