ISSN: 1885-5857 Impact factor 2023 7.2
Vol. 70. Num. 3.
Pages 199-207 (March 2017)

Editor's page
Revista Española de Cardiología: First Year Activity of the New Editorial Team

REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE CARDIOLOGÍA: primer año del nuevo equipo editorial

Ignacio Ferreira-GonzálezaEmad Abu-AssibMiguel Ángel AriasbPastora GallegobÁngel Sánchez-Recaldeb



As customary, in the present Editor's Page, the editorial team appraise the previous year of Revista Española de Cardiología (Rev Esp Cardiol), reporting its overall situation and its future direction. The highlight for 2016 was the excellent impact factor results. With a record high of 4.596, this impact factor places our journal in the first quartile of cardiovascular journals. Although excellent news, the increase in impact factor should be interpreted with caution, because bibliometric indices are in constant flux. Nonetheless, the new impact factor provides a clear opportunity to consolidate our position as the leading Spanish-language and bilingual cardiovascular journal. These pages also serve to thank and congratulate both the authors of all of the work published in the journal and the previous editorial teams, who undoubtedly deserve the credit for this bibliometric success.


As is already well known by readers, Rev Esp Cardiol publishes a monthly issue and a variable number of annual supplements; the standard articles include “Original Articles”, “Editorials”, “Scientific Letters”, “Letters to the Editor”, and “Special Articles”, as well as other article types such as “ECG Contest” and “Images in Cardiology”.

The total numbers of articles published by Rev Esp Cardiol in recent years are shown in Figure 1. Compared with the previous year, the number of articles published in 2016 increased by more than 10%. This increase is unsurprising because the total number of manuscripts received rose by 20% vs 2015 (Figure 2), representing the largest increase of the last 10 years. This increment also affected original articles, with 10% more articles being submitted in 2016 than in 2015. The final acceptance rate for 2016 is expected to be around 15%-17%, with a number of manuscripts still pending decision at the time of publishing this article (Figure 3).

Figure 1.

Year-on-year comparison of the total number of manuscripts published.

Figure 2.

Year-on-year comparison of the total number of manuscripts received.

Figure 3.

Number of original manuscripts received and published and the acceptance rate from 2010 to 2016. *At the time of publishing this article, there were 18 original articles received in 2016 pending acceptance or rejection.


Two types of review articles were published until 2016: 4 to 5 review articles based around a certain topic, belonging to the “Focus” series, and 7 to 10 articles reviewing a specific knowledge area, belonging to the “Update” series. Thus, in 2016, 8 articles were published in the “Update: Cardiac Imaging” series.1–8 For the coming and subsequent years, the new editorial team has decided to replace the “Update” series with a similar number of reviews on diverse topics deemed of interest to our readers. Some of these reviews will be individual, whereas others will be grouped around a specific topic; this format will thus be similar to that of the “Focus” series. We believe that this strategy has 2 benefits. First, it allows for greater flexibility in the selection of topics of interest and expert authors. Second, it will broaden the range of review topics available, which will probably appeal to a wider variety of readers. A drawback is that we will lose the accredited course of the “Update” series. However, because we believe that the range of courses offered by the Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC) is quite wide and varied, the previously undeniable added teaching value of the “Update” series has diminished in recent years.

Another change in the format of the publications affects the “Topical Issues” series. Coordinated by different scientific sections of the SEC, these publications summarize and highlight the most important developments of the previous year in each specialty area. Although the series has clear educational value, its publication in the form of special articles reduces the space available for other article types, such as original articles and reviews.

For example, 6 articles were published in the 2016 series.9–14 Due to the limited space in Rev Esp Cardiol and the continual and growing demand for the publication of original articles, we believe that they should take precedence over the publication of “Topical Issues” in the form of special articles. However, we are aware of the usefulness and value of the continued publication by Rev Esp Cardiol of news on the scientific developments in each area. To try to reconcile these 2 aspects—to both increase the space available for original articles and maintain the information of the “Topical Issues”—, from 2017, these articles will be published in the form of scientific letters, a format that we believe to be more suitable for the aims of the series and, possibly, easier to read.

In addition, 2 new sections have been introduced. In the first, called “Atrium”, the Editor-in-chief will summarize the contents and highlight the salient message and main strengths and weaknesses of the original articles published in the issue. We believe that these articles will be of interest to readers wanting an overview of the contents of each issue and will help them to select the most interesting items. The second section, called “Viaje al corazón de las palabras” (Into the heart of terminology), made its debut in January of this year and comes from the hand of Fernando A. Navarro, a member of the Advisory Board of Rev Esp Cardiol. These Spanish language-only articles, taking the form of brief and light-hearted notes, shed light on the etymology and distinguishing features of medical language and offer help on frequent doubts and hard-to-translate terms.

Two editorial changes have been made to original articles. First, the limit on the number of authors has been removed because multicenter studies with multiple authors meeting the authorship criteria15 are now more common. Second, these articles now include a “Key points” box, which permits authors to summarize what is already known about the topic and, more importantly, what their work adds. We consider these key points, already adopted by numerous biomedical journals, to be a useful exercise benefiting both the readers and the authors themselves.

Finally, changes have been made to the processing of the consensus documents that are periodically prepared by working groups from different fields of knowledge: the main characteristics of the documents now need to be presented to the Executive Committee of the SEC so that it can evaluate their priority as it pertains to the society. Because Rev Esp Cardiol is the official journal of the SEC, we believe that the Executive Committee should play an important role in setting the organizational priority of these documents. Once this has been decided by the Executive Committee, the document will follow the standard editorial process.

Regarding the digital version of the journal and social media, the strategy during 2016 has been to strive for a greater presence and increased proactivity. Thus, it was considered prudent to enlist the technical advice and work of a professional expert in the area, Dr José Juan Gómez de Diego, who was recruited at the start of 2016. On the one hand, our strategy has been to augment the elements of the digital version of our journal, such as the website, in particular, the blog, and the “ECG Contest”. The results have been highly positive, as shown by the increased number of visitors to our website: from 2014 to April 2016 onward, average monthly visits to the Rev Esp Cardiol blog rose from 1800 to more than 7000. This trend has been repeated for the presence of Rev Esp Cardiol in social media, where a marked increase was seen vs the previous year (Figure 4). Among the most significant changes, in January 2016 the “ECG Contest” ceased to be a closed section that only accepted invited articles and was opened to the public to allow unsolicited contributions. The format was also modified to include a question with 4 possible answers that readers can select in the electronic version of the article. Another novelty is the launch of a Facebook page for Rev Esp Cardiol. Curiously, Facebook had already helped to funnel traffic to our website before Rev Esp Cardiol even had an official account on the network (Figure 4). As expected, the official Facebook page, launched in March 2016, has notably increased the dissemination of our contents.

Figure 4.

Number of sessions on, overall and via social media, in 2015 and 2016.


The trend in editorial processing times from manuscript receipt to the final decision is shown in Figure 5. In the last year, the average processing time slightly increased–by 2.5 days–specifically in the first 2 phases. There were 2 reasons for this increase. First, the entirely expected and necessary learning curve of the new editorial team members, who have had to adapt to a somewhat complicated process. Second, the continued increase in the number of submitted manuscripts (Figure 1), which has led to a certain work overload. Given this increased workload, the number of staff in the editorial office was increased midway through the year, principally to lighten the load related to manuscript processing tasks. Although we hope that the 2017 times will approach those of 2014 and 2015, the general mean editorial processing time of Rev Esp Cardiol is nonetheless still one of the best among journals in its field (14.5 days), according to what is stated on their websites. What has not changed from previous years is the excellent work performed by our tireless reviewers (Figure 6). We would like to sincerely thank here reviewers who collaborate with us even though they are not part of our Editorial Committee (Table 1). In addition, the elite reviewers of 2016 also deserve special mention (Table 2).

Figure 5.

Mean manuscript processing time for original articles between 2009 and 2016.

Figure 6.

Response time for Rev Esp Cardiol reviewers for first drafts of original articles (data from the first 6 months of each year).

Table 1.

List of Collaborators 2016

Harry Acquatella  David Couto  Encarnación Gutiérrez Carretero  Francisco Portela 
Alejandro Adsuar-Gómez  Judit Cubedo  Enrique Gutiérrez Ibañes  Fredy Prada 
Arístides Alarcón  José I. Cuende  Gabriela Guzmán-Martínez  Valentina O. Puntmann 
Dimpna C. Albert  Gaspar Dalmau  Carmen Jiménez  Sergio Raposeiras 
Sergio Alcolea  Fabrizio D’Ascenzo  Juan Jiménez-Jáimez  Alejandro Recio-Mayoral 
Eduardo Alegría-Barrero  José A. de Agustín  Alfonso Jurado-Román  Juan J. Ríos-Blanco 
Luis Almenar  Ernesto Díaz-Infante  Carlos Lahoz  Rami Riziq-Yousef Abumuaileq 
Manuel Almendro-Delia  David Dobarro  Iñaki Lekuona  Oriol Rodríguez 
Ángel Alonso Gómez  Enrique Domingo  Pablo Loma-Osorio  Ramón Rodríguez-Olivares 
Ezequiel Álvarez  Laura Domínguez  M. Pilar López  José F. Rodríguez-Palomares 
Ignacio J. Amat  Fernando Domínguez-Rodríguez  Lorenzo López Bescós  Inmaculada Roldán 
Ignasi Anguera  Sonia Eiras  María López Gil  José M. Rubín 
Fernando Antoñanzas  Alberto Esteban  José R. López-Mínguez  Luis Ruilope 
Javier Aranceta-Bartrina  Rodrigo Estévez-Loureiro  Emilio Luengo-Fernández  Rafael J. Ruiz Salmerón 
Elena Arbelo  Vicente Estrada  Alicia M. Maceira  Marisol Ruiz-Meana 
José Arimany  Núria Farré  Alfonso Macías  Rafael Salguero-Bodes 
Ángel Aroca  Ángel L. Fernández  Nicolás Manito  Luisa Salido 
Dabit Arzamendi  Jaime Fernández de Bobadilla  Begoña Manso  Pablo Salinas 
Pablo Ávila  José A. Fernández Díaz  Sergio Manzano-Fernández  Marianela Sánchez Martínez 
Enrique J. Balbacid  Nuria Fernández-Hidalgo  M. Dolores Marrodán  Joan Sánchez de Toledo 
Javier Barallobre-Barreiro  Queralt Ferrer  Javier Martín Moreiras  Melisa Santas-Álvarez 
Eduardo Barge-Caballero  David Filgueiras-Rama  Victoria Martín-Yuste  Gloria Santos-Beneit 
Gonzalo Barón-Esquivias  Xacobe Flores  Domingo Marzal  David Sanz 
Teresa Bastante  Ricardo Fontes  Irene Méndez  Georgia Sarquella-Brugada 
Vicente Barriales  Eduardo Franco  Dolores Mesa  Inés Sayago 
Víctor Bazán  Laura Galian  Sonia Mirabet  Fernando Soto 
Begoña Benito  Juan García de Lara  Jesús G. Mirelis  Antonio Tello-Montoliu 
Elisabet Berastegui  Juan García Puig  José M. Miró  Luis Teruel 
Alberto Berenguer  José M. García Ruíz  Israel Molina  José Tuñón 
José Ramón Berrazueta  Carlos García Santos-Gallego  Enrique Molinero de Miguel  Israel Valverde 
Armando Bethencourt  Alberto García-Lledó  Luis Nombela-Franco  Beatriz Vaquerizo 
Xavier Bonfill  Pablo García-Pavía  Raymundo Ocaranza-Sánchez  Clara A. Vázquez 
Ramón Bover  Juan C. García-Rubira  Jordi Ordóñez-Llanos  Berta Vega 
Marisol Bravo  Arturo García-Touchard  Domingo Orozco  Sonia Velasco 
Montserrat Bret  Josep Gómez  Marta Ortega  Maite Velázquez 
María Brion  Inés Gómez Otero  J. Tomás Ortiz-Pérez  Ana Viana 
José Á. Cabrera-Rodríguez  José González Costello  Marta Pachón  Rafael Vidal-Pérez 
Ramón Calviño  Elvira González Obeso  Julián Palomino  David Vilades 
Naiara Calvo  Álvaro González Rocafort  Emilio Paredes  David Vivas 
Jaume Candell-Riera  Antonio González-Calle  Ares Pasipoularides  Fernando Worner 
Óscar Cano  Carlos González-Juanatey  Pablo Pazos  Guillermo Zalba 
Juan Caro-Codón  Francisco González-Vílchez  Pablo Peñafiel  Elisabet Zamora 
Fernando Carrasco-Chinchilla  Ferran Gran  Carlos Peña-Gil  Esther Zorio 
Marinela Chaparro-Muñoz  María Grau  Esther Pérez-David   
Mercè Cladellas  José M. Guía-Torrent  Eduardo Pinar   
Isabel Coma-Canella  Hipólito Gutiérrez  Andreu Porta-Sánchez   
Table 2.

List of Elite Reviewers 2016

José M. de la Torre 
Luis Rodríguez Padial 
Luciano Consuegra 
Manuel Carnero 
Carlos Escobar 
Alberto Cordero 
Pablo Avanzas 
Fernando Alfonso 
Armando Pérez de Prado 
Albert Ariza 

The situation is different for the time from manuscript acceptance to online publication. This interval, which depends directly on our publisher, was an average of 120 to 140 days in 2015 and the first half of 2016, representing a significantly longer delay than that reported by other cardiovascular journals with similar impact factors. Bilingual publication of Rev Esp Cardiol complicates the editing process, delaying publication and possibly even diminishing the scientific visibility of the journal. Thus, during 2016, a special effort was made to reduce this interval via the implementation of a new process. This new process represents a paradigm shift because, instead of the parallel processing of the 2 versions (Spanish and English), the version in the original submission language is rapidly edited and published, becoming available ahead of print in 7 to 8 weeks and thus being included in the main bibliographic databases (eg, ScienceDirect). If the original submission language is English, the article additionally becomes available as soon as possible on PubMed. The translated version is published with an additional delay of 8 to 10 weeks. We believe that this strategy will improve the visibility of Rev Esp Cardiol and of authors publishing in our journal.

Finally, as already indicated,16 the first course for Rev Esp Cardiol reviewers took place in February 2017. Aimed at professionals who act as peer reviewers for our journal, its objective was to minimize inter reviewer variability.


As already mentioned, one of the most positive developments of 2016 was the highly significant increase in the impact factor for 2015, which now places Rev Esp Cardiol in the first quartile of journals in the field of cardiovascular medicine. As is already widely known, the higher the number of citations achieved by a journal and the fewer the number of citable articles—basically original articles and reviews—published in the previous 2 years, the higher the impact factor. Figure 7 shows the bibliometric trend of Rev Esp Cardiol, which was placed in the first quartile of cardiovascular journals in the 2015 edition of the Journal Citation Reports, ranking 22 out of a total of 124 journals (Figure 8).

Figure 7.

Changes in the impact factor of Rev Esp Cardiol over time since 1999.

Figure 8.

Changes in the ranking of Rev Esp Cardiol among other journals in the field of cardiovascular medicine according to their impact factors.


An interesting exercise is to determine what types of publications have had the highest scientific dissemination and visibility in recent years. The publications of 2013 and 2014 influenced the impact factor for 2015 while those published in 2014 and 2015 will influence the impact factor for 2016; in addition, those published in 2016 affect the immediacy index, a reflection of the speed of the scientific visibility of a publication because it depends on the citations received in the same year as its publication. This information is shown in Table 3, extracted from the Web of Science of the Institute for Scientific Information56 at the start of 2017. The articles generating the most citations in 2016 have been selected according to the following criteria: from 2013, articles with more than 6 citations; from 2014, those with more than 5; from 2015, those with more than 4; and from 2016, those with 3 or more.

Table 3.

Original Articles Published in Revista Española de Cardiología in 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 Receiving the Most Citations in 2016*

Year  Title  Type of publication  Total citations 
2013Epidemiology of Heart Failure in Spain Over the Last 20 Years17  Review  16 
Immediate and One-year Results in 35 Consecutive Patients After Closure of Left Atrial Appendage With the Amplatzer Cardiac Plug18  Original  15 
Prevalence of Child and Youth Obesity in Spain in 201219  Original  12 
In-hospital Mortality Due to Acute Myocardial Infarction. Relevance of Type of Hospital and Care Provided. RECALCAR Study20  Original  12 
Cardiac Tissue Engineering and the Bioartificial Heart21  Review  11 
In-hospital and Mid-term Predictors of Mortality After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: Data From the TAVI National Registry 2010-201122  Original  10 
Epidemiology of Acute Coronary Syndromes in Spain: Estimation of the Number of Cases and Trends From 2005 to 204923  Original 
Progress in Treatment by Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: The Stent of the Future24  Review 
Total    94 
2014Normal Left Ventricular Mechanics by Two-dimensional Speckle-tracking Echocardiography. Reference Values in Healthy Adults25  Original  13 
Prevalence of Atrial Fibrillation in Spain. OFRECE Study Results26  Original 
Paravalvular Leak Closure With the Amplatzer Vascular Plug III Device: Immediate and Short-term Results27  Original 
Efficacy of an Integrated Hospital-primary Care Program for Heart Failure: A Population-based Analysis of 56 742 Patients28  Original 
Efficacy of Bleeding Risk Scores in Elderly Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes29  Original 
The Epidemiology of Coronary Heart Disease30  Review 
Spanish Cardiac Catheterization and Coronary Intervention Registry. 23rd Official Report of the Spanish Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cardiac Catheterization and Interventional Cardiology (1990-2013)31  Special Article 
Promotion of Cardiovascular Health at Three Stages of Life: Never Too Soon, Never Too Late32  Review 
Sedentary Lifestyle and Its Relation to Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Insulin Resistance and Inflammatory Profile33  Original 
Epicardial Adipose Tissue Is Associated With Visceral Fat, Metabolic Syndrome, and Insulin Resistance in Menopausal Women34  Original 
Resistant Hypertension: Demography and Clinical Characteristics in 6292 Patients in a Primary Health Care Setting35  Original 
Magnitude and Management of Metabolic Syndrome in Spain in 2008-2010: The ENRICA Study36  Original 
Total    95 
2015Prognosis and Management of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Spain in 2012: The DIOCLES Study37  Original  11 
Valve Thrombosis Following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: A Systematic Review38  Review  10 
Acute Heart Failure: Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Prevention39  Review 
Anticoagulation Control in Patients With Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation Attended at Primary Care Centers in Spain: The PAULA Study40  Original 
Cardiorenal Syndrome in Acute Heart Failure: Revisiting Paradigms41  Review 
Comparison of Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Equations for Dosing New Oral Anticoagulants in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation42  Original 
Pathogenesis and Clinical Presentation of Acute Heart Failure43  Review 
Adherence to the ESC Heart Failure Treatment Guidelines in Spain: ESC Heart Failure Long-term Registry44  Original 
Troponin Elevation in Patients Without Acute Coronary Syndrome45  Original 
Quality of Vitamin K Antagonist Anticoagulation in Spain: Prevalence of Poor Control and Associated Factors46  Original 
Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Their Reparative Potential in Ischemic Heart Disease47  Review 
Exercise Echocardiography and Multidetector Computed Tomography for the Evaluation of Acute Chest Pain48  Original 
Total    87 
2016Update on Myocarditis and Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy: Reemergence of Endomyocardial Biopsy49  Review 
The Risk of Cardiovascular Events After an Acute Coronary Event Remains High, Especially During the First Year, Despite Revascularization50  Original 
Iron Status in Chronic Heart Failure: Impact on Symptoms, Functional Class and Submaximal Exercise Capacity51  Original 
Implantation of the Micra Transcatheter Pacing System: Initial Experience in a Single Spanish Center52  Scientific letter 
Conduction Abnormalities and Pacemaker Implantations After SAPIEN 3 Vs SAPIEN XT Prosthesis Aortic Valve Implantation53  Original 
Factors Associated With Delays in Seeking Medical Attention in Patients With ST-segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome54  Original 
Percutaneous Transcatheter Treatment for Massive Pulmonary Embolism55  Scientific letter 
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Cardiology Practice: A Concise Guide to Image Acquisition and Clinical Interpretation2  Review 
Total    37 

Source: ISI-Web, January 2017

The most common type of publication is the original article, although also represented are reviews and scientific letters. We would like to warmly congratulate all the authors of these articles. Finally, we would also like to mention and congratulate the authors of the publications that received awards from the SEC for their scientific impact and quality (Table 4). As already discussed at the beginning of this article, original articles are a priority for this editorial team. The value of this strategy is confirmed by the excellent results in terms of scientific visibility and analysis of the type of article most contributing to this visibility.

Table 4.

Articles Receiving an Award From the Spanish Society of Cardiology in 2016

1.Prizes awarded by the Spanish Society of Cardiology for articles published in Rev Esp Cardiol 
First prize 
Alonso et al. Prevalence of Stable Angina in Spain. Results of the OFRECE Study. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2015;68:691-699. 
Second prize 
Domingo et al. Non-ventricular, Clinical, and Functional Features of the RyR2 R420Q Mutation Causing Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2015;68:398-407. 
2.Prizes awarded by theSpanish Society of Cardiologyfor the articles published in Rev Esp Cardiol with the greatest international impact 
Most-cited articles, long-term 
First prize 
Avanzas et al. Percutaneous Implantation of the CoreValve® Self-Expanding Aortic Valve Prosthesis in Patients With Severe Aortic Stenosis: Early Experience in Spain. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2010;63:141-148. 
Second prize 
Martínez-Gómez et al. Sedentary Behavior, Adiposity, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Adolescents. The AFINOS Study. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2010;63:277-285. 
Most-cited articles, midterm 
First prize 
Sánchez-Cruz et al. Prevalence of Child and Youth Obesity in Spain in 2012. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2013;66:371-376. 
Second prize 
Sabaté et al. In-hospital and Mid-term Predictors of Mortality After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: Data From the TAVI National Registry 2010-2011. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2013;66:949-958. 
3. Prizes awarded by the Clinical Cardiology Section (awarded to 2 articles) 
Fernández de Larrea-Baz et al. Disability-adjusted Life Years Lost to Ischemic Heart Disease in Spain. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2015;68:968-975 
Porta-Sánchez et al. Constrictive Pericarditis: Etiologic Spectrum, Patterns of Clinical Presentation, Prognostic Factors, and Long-term Follow-up. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2015;68:1092-1100. 
4.Prize awarded by the Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Disease Section for the best article published in Rev Esp Cardiol 
Alonso et al. Value of the Electrocardiogram as a Predictor of Right Ventricular Dysfunction in Patients With Chronic Right Ventricular Volume Overload. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2015;68:390-397. 
5.Prize awarded by the Ischemic Heart Disease and Acute Coronary Care Section for the best article published in Rev Esp Cardiol 
Barrabés et al. Prognosis and Management of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Spain in 2012: The DIOCLES Study. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2015;68:98-106. 
6. Prize awarded by the Electrophysiology and Arrhythmias Section for the best article published in Rev Esp Cardiol 
Sarrias et al. Implantable Cardioverter-defibrillator Therapy for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Usefulness in Primary and Secondary Prevention. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2015;68: 492-496. 
7. Prize awarded by the Cardiac Pacing Section 
Berruezo et al. Optimized pacing mode for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Impact of ECG fusion during pacing. Heart Rhythm. 2015;12:909-916. 
8. Prize awarded by the Vascular Risk and Cardiac Rehabilitation Section 
Santos-Beneit et al. Association Between Anthropometry and High Blood Pressure in a Representative Sample of Preschoolers in Madrid. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2015;68:477-484. 
9. GE Healthcare prize for the best article on echocardiography published in Rev Esp Cardiol 
Mas-Stachurska et al. Exercise Echocardiography and Multidetector Computed Tomography for the Evaluation of Acute Chest Pain. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2015;68:17-24. 
10. Fourth Magda Heras prize for the best work published in an Iberoamerican Cardiovascular Journal 
First prize 
Macchia A et al. Premature Cardiovascular Death and Socioeconomic Status in Argentina. On the Opportunities and Challenges of Representing Vulnerable Populations. Rev Argent Cardiol. 2015;83:516-521. 
Second prize 
Alonso et al. Prevalence of Stable Angina in Spain. Results of the OFRECE Study. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2015;68:691-699. 
Third prize 
Bambs et al. Facilitators and barriers to the adoption of healthy lifestyles after first myocardial infarction in Chile: A qualitative study. Rev Chil Cardiol. 2015;34:163-174. 

Finally, we are hugely pleased to dedicate some words to congratulate the Editorial Director of Rev Esp Cardiol, Iria del Río, for her recent appointment to the council of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).57 As our readers probably know, this institution is a prestigious international forum of editors and publishers of academic journals that addresses and discusses all aspects related to ethical matters affecting publications. Its mission is to promote integrity in the field of academic publication. To help readers to properly gauge the importance of this appointment, suffice to say that, of the more than 11 000 members of COPE, only 27 are current council members. The decision was preceded by an exhaustive selection process and we are enormously proud that Rev Esp Cardiol has managed to achieve the first Spanish representative on the Council. We send our thanks and congratulations to Iria del Río for this excellent news, which will undoubtedly help to guide the development of Rev Esp Cardiol and inform its policies.


Rev Esp Cardiol is the official scientific publication of the SEC and its medium of institutional expression. During the previous year, the most important development has been a major change in the editorial process, which has significantly reduced publication times. Other changes include a modification in the format of some publications and the review article series, the introduction of 2 new sections, and new support for the digital version and social media dissemination. Rev Esp Cardiol has achieved a growing impact in terms of scientific visibility and is currently placed in the first quartile of its specialty, leading us to look to the future with optimism.


None declared.

T. Podlesnikar, V. Delgado.
Sustitución percutánea de válvula aórtica: ventajas y limitaciones de diferentes técnicas de imagen cardiaca.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 310-321
S. Valbuena-López, R. Hinojar, V.O. Puntmann.
Resonancia magnética cardiovascular en la práctica cardiológica: una guía concisa para la adquisición de imágenes y la interpretación clínica.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 202-210
C.-H. Li, D. Arzamendi, F. Carreras.
Papel de las técnicas de imagen en el tratamiento percutáneo de la insuficiencia mitral.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 421-436
R. Marcus, C. Ruff, C. Burgstahler, et al.
Evidencia científica reciente y avances técnicos en la tomografía computarizada cardiovascular.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 509-514
L. Sanchis, S. Prat, M. Sitges.
Imagen cardiovascular en la sala de electrofisiología.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 595-605
L. García-Guereta, E. García-Cerro, M. Bret-Zurita.
Tomografía computarizada con multidetectores en las anomalías congénitas del arco aórtico: anillos vasculares.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 681-693
A. Rodríguez Fernández, A. Bethencourt González.
Técnicas de imagen en el intervencionismo percutáneo estructural: cierre de comunicación interauricular y oclusión de la orejuela izquierda.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 766-777
J. Sanz, G. LaRocca, J.G. Mirelis.
Mapeo miocárdico con resonancia magnética cardiaca: valor diagnóstico de las nuevas secuencias.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 849-861
M. Martínez-Sellés, J.L. Lambert Rodríguez, V. Barrios, et al.
Selección de temas de actualidad en cardiología clínica, cardiología geriátrica e insuficiencia cardiaca y trasplante 2015.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 159-166
R. Peinado, F. Ruiz-Mateas, M. Izquierdo, et al.
Selección de temas de actualidad en arritmias y estimulación cardiaca 2015.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 167-175
T. López-Fernández, D. Saura, J.F. Rodríguez-Palomares, S. Aguadé-Bruix, L. Pérez de Isla, J. Barba-Cosials.
Selección de temas de actualidad en imagen cardiaca 2015.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 286-293
A. Castro Conde, D. Marzal Martín, R. Dalmau González-Gallarza, et al.
Selección de temas de actualidad en riesgo vascular y rehabilitación cardiaca 2015.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 294-299
I.J. Núñez-Gil, R. Martín-Reyes, A. Bardají, et al.
Selección de temas de actualidad en cardiopatía isquémica y cuidados agudos cardiológicos 2015.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 408-414
F. Hernández Hernández, J.M. De la Torre Hernández, J.R. Rumoroso Cuevas, B. García del Blanco, J.L. Zunzunegui Martínez, R. Trillo Nouche.
Selección de temas de actualidad en cardiología intervencionista 2015.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 415-420
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Defining the role of authors and contributors [accessed 13 Jan 2017]. Available at:
I. Ferreira-González, E. Abu-Assi, M.A. Arias, et al.
Revista Española de Cardiología. Estado actual y perspectiva futura.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 327-336
I. Sayago-Silva, F. García-López, J. Segovia-Cubero.
Epidemiología de la insuficiencia cardiaca en España en los últimos 20 años.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2013), 66 pp. 649-656
J.R. López-Mínguez, J. Eldoayen-Gragera, R. González-Fernández, et al.
Resultados inmediatos y a más de un año en 35 pacientes consecutivos a los que se realiza cierre de orejuela izquierda con el dispositivo Amplatzer Cardiac Plug.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2013), 66 pp. 90-97
J.J. Sánchez-Cruz, J.J. Jiménez-Moleón, F. Fernández-Quesada, M.J. Sánchez.
Prevalencia de obesidad infantil y juvenil en España en 2012.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2013), 66 pp. 371-376
V. Bertomeu, A. Cequier, J.L. Bernal, et al.
Mortalidad intrahospitalaria por infarto agudo de miocardio. Relevancia del tipo de hospital y la atención dispensada. Estudio RECALCAR.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2013), 66 pp. 935-942
C. Gálvez-Montón, C. Prat-Vidal, S. Roura, C. Soler-Botija, A. Bayes-Genis.
Ingeniería tisular cardiaca y corazón bioartificial.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2013), 66 pp. 391-399
M. Sabaté, S. Cánovas, E. García, colaboradores del Grupo Nacional TAVI, et al.
Predictores de mortalidad hospitalaria y a medio plazo tras el reemplazo valvular aórtico transcatéter: datos del registro nacional TAVI 2010-2011.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2013), 66 pp. 949-958
I.R. Dégano, R. Elosua, J. Marrugat.
Epidemiología del síndrome coronario agudo en España: estimación del número de casos y la tendencia de 2005 a 2049.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2013), 66 pp. 472-481
T. Muramatsu, Y. Onuma, Y.-J. Zhang, et al.
Avances en el tratamiento mediante intervención coronaria percutánea: el stent del futuro.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2013), 66 pp. 483-496
G. Kocabay, D. Muraru, D. Peluso, et al.
Mecánica ventricular izquierda normal mediante ecocardiografía speckle tracking bidimensional. Valores de referencia para adultos sanos.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2014), 67 pp. 651-658
J.J. Gómez-Doblas, J. Muñiz, J.J. Alonso Martin, en representación de los colaboradores del estudio OFRECE, et al.
Prevalencia de fibrilación auricular en España. Resultados del estudio OFRECE.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2014), 67 pp. 259-269
I. Cruz-Gonzalez, J.C. Rama-Merchan, A. Arribas-Jimenez, et al.
Cierre percutáneo de fugas periprotésicas con el dispositivo Amplatzer Vascular Plug III: resultados inmediatos y a corto plazo.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2014), 67 pp. 608-614
J. Comín-Colet, J.M. Verdú-Rotellar, E. Vela, et al.
Eficacia de un programa integrado hospital-atención primaria para la insuficiencia cardiaca: análisis poblacional sobre 56.742 pacientes.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2014), 67 pp. 283-293
A. Ariza-Solé, F. Formiga, V. Lorente, et al.
Eficacia de los scores de riesgo hemorrágico en el paciente anciano con síndrome coronario agudo.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2014), 67 pp. 463-470
I. Ferreira-González.
Epidemiología de la enfermedad coronaria.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2014), 67 pp. 139-144
B. García del Blanco, F. Hernández Hernández, J.R. Rumoroso Cuevas, R. Trillo Nouche, Registro Español de Hemodinámica y Cardiología Intervencionista.
XXIII Informe Oficial de la Sección de Hemodinámica y Cardiología Intervencionista de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología (1990-2013).
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2014), 67 pp. 1013-1023
J.M. Castellano, J.L. Peñalvo, S. Bansilal, V. Fuster.
Promoción de la salud cardiovascular en tres etapas de la vida: nunca es demasiado pronto, nunca demasiado tarde.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2014), 67 pp. 731-737
M. León-Latre, B. Moreno-Franco, E.M. Andrés-Esteban, et al.
Sedentarismo y su relación con el perfil de riesgo cardiovascular, la resistencia a la insulina y la inflamación.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2014), 67 pp. 449-455
M.J. Fernández Muñoz, L. Basurto Acevedo, N. Córdova Pérez, et al.
La grasa epicárdica se relaciona con la visceral, el síndrome metabólico y la resistencia a la insulina en mujeres menopáusicas.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2014), 67 pp. 436-441
T. Gijón-Conde, A. Graciani, J.R. Banegas.
Demografía y características clínicas de la hipertensión resistente en 6.292 pacientes en atención primaria.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2014), 67 pp. 270-276
P. Guallar-Castillón, R. Francisco Pérez, E. López García, et al.
Magnitud y manejo del síndrome metabólico en España en 2008-2010: Estudio ENRICA Rev Esp Cardiol., (2014), 67 pp. 367-373
J.A. Barrabés, A. Bardají, J. Jiménez-Candil, en representación de los investigadores del estudio DIOCLES, et al.
Pronóstico y manejo del síndrome coronario agudo en España en 2012: estudio DIOCLES.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2015), 68 pp. 98-106
J.G. Córdoba-Soriano, R. Puri, I. Amat-Santos, et al.
Revisión sistemática de la trombosis protésica tras implante percutáneo de válvula aórtica.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2015), 68 pp. 198-204
D. Farmakis, J. Parissis, J. Lekakis, G. Filippatos.
Insuficiencia cardiaca aguda: epidemiología, factores de riesgo y prevención.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2015), 68 pp. 245-248
V. Barrios, C. Escobar, L. Prieto, et al.
Control de la anticoagulación en pacientes con fibrilación auricular no valvular asistidos en atención primaria en España. Estudio PAULA.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2015), 68 pp. 769-776
J. Núñez, G. Miñana, E. Santas, V. Bertomeu-González.
Síndrome cardiorrenal en la insuficiencia cardiaca aguda: revisando paradigmas.
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S. Manzano-Fernández, J.M. Andreu-Cayuelas, F. Marín, et al.
Comparación de las ecuaciones de filtrado glomerular estimado para determinar la posología de los nuevos anticoagulantes orales para pacientes con fibrilación auricular.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2015), 68 pp. 497-504
P. Ponikowski, E.A. Jankowska.
Patogenia y presentación clínica de la insuficiencia cardiaca aguda.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2015), 68 pp. 331-337
M.G. Crespo-Leiro, J. Segovia-Cubero, J. González-Costello, et al.
Adecuación en España a las recomendaciones terapéuticas de la guía de la ESC sobre insuficiencia cardiaca: ESC Heart Failure Long-term Registry.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2015), 68 pp. 785-793
A. Bardají, G. Cediel, A. Carrasquer, R. De Castro, R. Sánchez, C. Boqué.
Troponina elevada en pacientes sin síndrome coronario agudo.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2015), 68 pp. 469-476
M. Anguita Sánchez, V. Bertomeu Martínez, A. Cequier Fillat.
Calidad de la anticoagulación con antagonistas de la vitamina K en España: prevalencia de mal control y factores asociados.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2015), 68 pp. 761-768
L. Badimon, B. Oñate, G. Vilahur.
Células madre mesenquimales derivadas de tejido adiposo y su potencial reparador en la enfermedad isquémica coronaria.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2015), 68 pp. 599-611
A. Mas-Stachurska, O. Miró, M. Sitges, et al.
Evaluación del dolor torácico agudo mediante ecocardiografía de ejercicio y tomografía computarizada multidetectores.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2015), 68 pp. 17-24
F. Dominguez, U. Kühl, B. Pieske, P. Garcia-Pavia, C. Tschöpe.
Actualización sobre miocarditis y miocardiopatía inflamatoria: el resurgir de la biopsia endomiocárdica.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 178-187
E. Abu-Assi, A. López-López, V. González-Salvado, et al.
El riesgo de eventos cardiovasculares tras un evento coronario agudo persiste elevado a pesar de la revascularización, especialmente durante el primer año.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69
C. Enjuanes, J. Bruguera, M. Grau, et al.
Estado del hierro en la insuficiencia cardiaca crónica: impacto en síntomas, clase funcional y capacidad de ejercicio submáxima.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 247-255
M. Pachón, A. Puchol, F. Akerström, L. Rodríguez-Padial, M.A. Arias.
Implante de marcapasos sin cables transcatéter Micra: experiencia inicial en un centro español.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 346-349
O. Husser, T. Kessler, C. Burgdorf, et al.
Trastornos de la conducción e implante de marcapasos tras implante de válvula aórtica SAPIEN 3 comparada con la SAPIEN XT.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 141-148
F. Rivero, T. Bastante, J. Cuesta, et al.
Factores asociados al retraso en la demanda de atención médica en pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo con elevación del segmento ST.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 279-285
A. Sánchez-Recalde, R. Moreno, B. Estebanez Flores, et al.
Tratamiento percutáneo de la tromboembolia pulmonar aguda masiva.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2016), 69 pp. 340-342
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