ISSN: 1885-5857 Impact factor 2023 7.2
Vol. 64. Num. 12.
Pages 1207-1214 (December 2011)

2011 Annual Summary. Another Meeting With Our Readers

Resumen anual 2011. Una nueva cita con los lectores

Magda HerasaPablo AvanzasbAntoni Bayes-GenisbLeopoldo Pérez de IslabJuan Sanchisb



December has arrived and, following the tradition at the Revista Española de Cardiología (REC), the editorial team has put together its annual reader's issue.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 This year we have very important developments to share, as well as challenges for the future of REC. Part of the information in this “Editor's page” was also presented to the REC editorial committee, and in a condensed form to the Plenary Session and Assembly of the Sociedad Española de Cardiología (SEC) at the annual meetings held during the Congreso Nacional de las Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (cardiovascular diseases national conference) in Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands (Spain).


In the “Editor's page” presenting the new editorial staff in May 2010,3 we set out the priority objectives for this group: a) reducing publication times, b) simultaneous publication of editions in English and Spanish, and c) a renovation of the Webpage. We will describe here our progress in these 3 categories.

Reducing Publication Times

This aspect has received much attention since it is the main concern held by authors who want to see their studies evaluated and published as soon as possible. Additionally, the most prestigious journals have very short turnaround times, and REC should be capable of achieving similar results.

Publication times are determined by 2 temporal segments: the time from receipt of a document until an editorial decision is made, and the time between acceptance and publication. During the first interval, reviewers play a decisive role, whereas in the second interval new electronic possibilities such as electronic publication ahead of print facilitate the dissemination of study results and references cited (using a digital object identifier system: DOI) without having to wait for a printed copy.

From Document Receipt to Editorial Decision

Figure 1 shows the mean delay time between receiving an article for publication and reaching a first editorial decision during 2011, which was 17.5 days. This has been made possible by the extraordinary dedication to this process by our reviewers, not only those on the Editorial Committee but also collaborators who have generously given their time to review articles using the highest scientific standards.

Figure 1. Mean time between receiving a document for publication and reaching a first editorial decision. Data from the first 8 months of each year.

From Acceptance to Publication

Traditionally, this has been the most difficult time span to reduce, since it depended on waiting to publish the article in the first paper version with available space, and this depended both on the type of article and the quantity of accepted articles waiting to be published. During 2011, we completely changed the production process for REC, such that once an article is accepted, it enters directly into the electronic production process, which is finalized by creation of a file in portable document format (pdf) and publication ahead of print on the REC Website. Simultaneously, the article is available on PubMed and can be cited. The new production process began this year and takes an average of 16 weeks, but we hope to have it down to 10 weeks by early 2012.

We are convinced that these changes have already been noted by our authors, who appreciate that the article can be cited within a very short time period, and by the editors, who have noted increased pressure to receive their comments within 14 days.

Simultaneous Edition in English

Coinciding with the new electronic production of REC, we decided that all articles would be translated and corrected before starting the production process of the pdf in Spanish. In this manner, both versions of the article enter the electronic production process at the same time. There are many advantages to this methodology, including simultaneous corrections made to both versions during the edition process, but the most important is that both versions are perfectly edited and electronically published on the same day. This objective covers one of the primary goals of the editorial team, which was to avoid having articles in English on PubMed that were still pending corrections for 30 days. In order to achieve this objective, the professionalism and dedication of the copy-editor team made up by Dominick Angiolillo, Scott Wilson, and Elaine Lilly has been fundamental, and has resulted in impeccable English versions of original articles. We would like to especially thank Elaine Lilly for her work in this process.

New Web Site

Following hard months of work, at the start of this year we released the new REC Webpage. As our readers will have noticed, we have made important modifications to the Webpage, above all in design, navigability, and expanded content.

The home page ( has modern aesthetics and simplified navigation, showing the current issue with direct access to articles, both as pdf files and complete texts. From this site, we can also gain access to all ahead-of-print articles, archives, supplements, and journal committees. Since REC is a bilingual journal, the Web design was carried out with special emphasis on facilitating access in both languages, and readers can now switch between English and Spanish at any moment using a link in the shape of a flag in the upper right corner of each page. Since March 2011, we have also provided bilingual tables of content by email to give users direct access to Web content of recently published issues. The statistics demonstrate that a large number of readers access the journal content through the links provided in this email, and that more and more readers are accessing our edition in English.

We have also created a blog (, accessible from the home page, to provide coverage of the major cardiology conferences (American College of Cardiology, European Society of Cardiology, and American Heart Association), along with news and summaries of scientific articles from Spanish authors published in other cardiology journals. In the coming months we plan on opening the blog and new tabs on the home page to include content from the combined activities of REC and other international editorial groups of cardiovascular journals.

The editorial team is very satisfied with the excellent success that the new Web presence has garnered, reflected by the increase in pdf downloads and the good results from the Web site launch survey, which can be accessed on the blog.


In this section we will discuss the articles we have received, ahead-of-print publications, and bibliometric indexes.

Articles Received

In 2011 we received approximately 706 articles, a similar amount to the year before (712), the majority of which were original articles. Of the articles received, 28% were written in English. Some 34% of articles came from other countries, primarily from Argentina, the United States, and Mexico. The general acceptance rate was 33%; by article type, just 16% of original articles were accepted, 50% of brief reports, 18% of submitted images in cardiology, and 70% of letters to the editor.

Ahead-of-Print Publication

As previously mentioned, 2011 was a year for transitioning between a journal produced and conceptualized as a printed publication and an eminently electronic one. This has allowed us to make all REC articles available ahead of print even while they were still in the publication process, and posting articles as soon as they were accepted. At this time, more than 80% of these articles have been published electronically, and we predict that by the start of 2012 REC will no longer have articles in stock. There are already many articles in both versions available on the Web site under the tab “Ahead of Print.” We are convinced that the authors are satisfied, since the articles are citable and available on PubMed even though they may have to wait a few months to be included in an issue. We also want to point out that each regular issue includes 3 editorials, mostly in reference to original articles while others are dedicated to specific aspects of modern cardiology. It has been an honor for the REC to count on recognized experts and internationally renowned writers who have generously provided us with these editorials.

Bibliometric Indexes

The impact factor (IF) of REC in 2010 was 2.157, lower than in 2009, when it was 2.746. This popular index, which is based on the number of citations during a given year (in this case 2010) of articles published in the previous 2 years (2008 and 2009), is published by Thomson Reuters and appears yearly in Journal Citation Reports. The reduction in IF in 2010 was both unfortunate and unexpected. It was unfortunate because, in spite of the fact that the editorial staff that managed REC during the last 3 years made all necessary efforts to maintain and increase the level of quality of this publication, the IF in 2010 does not reflect these efforts and could cause disappointment and loss of interest from our readership and authors. It was completely unexpected because it did not take into account the articles released in 2008 and 2009 in the publications on “Current Topics” and “Relevant Problems in Cardiology,” published in 2010. This error was detected at the start of 2011, and the appropriate steps were taken to rectify it, but the request was not accepted in time for the IF to correctly reflect citations of REC. Even so, the percentage of external citations of REC publications has increased. This is excellent news (Figure 2), since this shows the relevance of our articles for authors that publish in other journals, and also places REC in the group of quality journals with an appropriate rate of self-reference. The immediacy index shows the mean speed with which published articles are cited (citations received during 1 year for the articles published that same year). It was 1.305 for REC in 2010, with a mean citation age of 4.2 years. These values place REC in the second quartile of cardiovascular journals. Last year we communicated the extraordinary increase in the field of cardiovascular journals with an IF, and the same has occurred this year. The total number of cardiovascular journals increased from 78 on the IF list in 2008 to 114 in 2010. The increase has been spurred by the decisions by Circulation, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, and to a lesser degree European Heart Journal to launch subspecialty journals that work in concert with the central journal. Although each journal has an independent editor, the articles received and evaluated and subsequently rejected by the central journal are then offered to the editor of the subspecialty journal and, if accepted, the authors are consulted to see if they are interested in publishing in a “subsidiary” journal, which shortens publication times and offers quality articles with a high level of citability. These new journals, with only a few years of history, have received very high initial IF values. It will be an important editorial objective to maintain REC within the second quartile of cardiovascular journals, an objective that will require very hard work. We will need the invaluable support and collaboration from all who feel that REC is their journal, citing articles in REC when publishing studies in other journals and sending new articles for publication in REC. The citation of our articles, which have been carefully selected and edited, is the only way to modify our IF value in the direction that we all want and hope for. In order to disseminate this message, the editorial team is sending letters of thanks to all authors that cite REC when publishing in other indexed journals. All of the economic efforts by the executive committee of the Sociedad Española de Cardiología and the work carried out by the editorial staff are not sufficient to improve the IF; now more than ever we need help from all sectors.

Figure 2. Evolution of the number of external citations of Revista Española de Cardiología publication. Values expressed as the number of external citations each year per number of articles published in the previous 2 years.


As we said in our first “Editor's page”, 3 reviewers play a key role in the publication of scientific articles and ensure a transparent and independent editing process.

As we established in the previous sections, our objective is to shorten evaluation times, and this was our message to the editorial committee in the invitation letter. For the editorial staff it has been very gratifying to see the enthusiastic response to this challenge to comply with the requested timelines. We believe that it is beneficial to provide feedback on production rates, and therefore in February 2011, to facilitate continued support from our reviewers, we sent each one his or her respective mean review time and the overall average for REC along with a note of thanks. This small report will continue to be sent to the reviewers at the beginning of each year. Additionally, we would like to give special thanks to the reviewers that collaborate with us even though they are not on the editorial committee (Table 1) for their generous efforts. Reviewing an article for publication is an altruistic job that is rewarded with credit hours in proportion to the amount of time dedicated to the task. Additionally, and in keeping with the REC tradition, we have named Elite Reviewers (Table 2) for 2011. As in previous years, this award is based on the quality of reviews, the amount of time spent, and the number of articles reviewed. They received a diploma during the meeting of the Editorial Committee at the national conference (Congreso Nacional). This year, because of the exceptional quality of the evaluations provided, we have expanded the number to 12 elite reviewers, and from this standpoint we wish to thank each of them for the speed and quality of the work completed. We must also recognize the excellent efforts from reviewers in methodology and statistics, whose evaluation from a perspective different than that of cardiologists adds quality to the accepted articles.

Table 1. List of Collaborators.

Harry Acquatella
Agustín Albarrán González-Trevilla
Josep María Alegret
Rafael Aleixandre-Benavent
Carlos Almería Valera
Miguel A. Arias
Pedro Armario
Joaquín Barba Cosials
Antonio José Barros Membrilla
Begoña Benito Villabriga
Antonio Berruezo
Vicente Bertomeu-González
Armando Bethencourt
Rafael Bonfante Cabarcas
José Oriol Bonnín Gubianas
María Bordons
Ramón Bover Freire
Fernando J. Cabrera-Bueno
José Ángel Cabrera-Rodríguez
David Calvo
Victoria Cañadas Godoy
Montserrat Cardona
Manuel Carnero Alcázar
Juan Carlos Castillo Domínguez
Almudena Castro Conde
Mario Cazzaniga Bullón
Alberto Cordero
Juan Cosín-Sales
Eliecer Coto
Regina Dalmau
Tomás Datino Romaniega
Jesús M. de la Hera Galarza
Raquel del Valle Fernández
Victoria Delgado
Alberto Domínguez Rodríguez
Laura Dos Subirá
Carlos Alberto Dumont
Javier Escaned Barbosa
Carlos Escobar Cervantes
Lorenzo Fácila Rubio
Jaime Fernández de Bobadilla Osorio
Covadonga Fernández-Golfín Lobán
Montse Ferrer Forés
José Francisco Forteza Alberti
Rocío García Orta
José Antonio García Robles
Pablo García-Pavía
Olatz Garín Boronat
Joaquín Gascón Brustenga
Juan R. Gimeno Blanes
Josep Girona Comas
José Juan Gómez de Diego
Álvaro González Rocafort
Teresa Gonzàlez-Alujas
Susana González-Enríquez
Juan José González-Ferrer
Nieves Gonzalo López
Ángel Grande Ruiz
Carlos Guijarro
Javier Hortal Iglesias
Pilar Jiménez Quevedo
Javier Jiménez-Candil
Manuel F. Jiménez-Navarro
Rubén Gabriel Leta Petracca
María López-Gil
José López Haldón
María Pilar López-Lereu
José López-Sendón Moreno
Íñigo Lozano Martínez-Luengas
María Luaces Méndez
Emilio Luengo
Francisco Lupiáñez-Villanueva
Patricia Mahía Casado
María Martín Fernández
José Martínez Ferrer
Dolores Mesa Rubio
Sonia Mirabet Pérez
José Montiel Serrano
Guillermo Moñux Ducajú
Pedro Morillas Blasco
José Mostaza Prieto
Roberto Muñoz Aguilera
Antonio J. Muñoz-García
Iván Javier Núñez Gil
José Olagüe de Ros
Domingo A. Pascual-Figal
Armando Pérez de Prado
Esther Pérez-David
Jesús C. Peteiro Vázquez
José Luis Pomar Moya-Prats
Luis Puente
Luis Rajmil
Vicente Riambau
Montse Rigol Muxart
Miguel A. Rodríguez García
José M. Rubín López
Juan Miguel Ruiz-Nodar
Adriana Saltijeral Cerezo
Violeta Sánchez
Damián Sánchez Quintana
Marcelo Sanmartín-Fernández
Susana Sans Menéndez
Fernando Sarnago Cebada
José Ricardo Serra Grima
Antonio Serra Peñaranda
Lorenzo Silva-Melchor
Marta Sitges Carreño
Jorge Solís
Luis Tercedor Sánchez
Ignacio Terol Esteban
David Vivas
Fernando Worner
Guillermo Zalba
Esther Zorio
Javier Zueco Gil
María de los Ángeles Zulueta

For reasons of editorial planning, this table only includes the names of collaborators that reviewed papers between the 1st of January and the 17th of October 2011.

Table 2. List of Elite Reviewers.

Juan Quiles
Luciano Consuegra
Juan Cosín-Sales
M. Isabel Coma
Juan F. Delgado
Francisco Marín
Julio Núñez
Ramón López-Palop
Xavier Borrás
Esteban López de Sá
Jacobo Silva Guisasola
José M. de la Torre Hernández

In spite of this difficult economic time, this year we kept the tradition of awarding first and second prizes to the two best articles in REC, accompanied by prizes of 10 000 and 5000 Euros, respectively. First and second prizes were also awarded to the most cited articles in the mid-term (previous 2 years) and long term (previous 5 years), in the amount of 9000 and 5000 Euros, respectively. We also awarded the best articles chosen by each scientific section of the SEC. All prizes were announced during the closing dinner of the Congreso Nacional de las Enfermedades Cardiovasculares in Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, in the Canary Islands. Table 3 shows the list of articles and authors that received awards, and Figure 3 the prize details.

Table 3. Award Winning Articles Published in the Revista Española de Cardiología in 2011.

1. SEC awards for studies published in the Revista Española de Cardiología
First prize Juan R. Gimeno et al. Characteristics of Sudden Death in Inherited Heart Disease. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2010;63:268-76
Second prize Oliver Husser et al. The Sum of ST-Segment Elevation Is the Best Predictor of Microvascular Obstruction in Patients Treated Successfully by Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Study. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2010;63:1145-54
2. SEC awards for studies published in the Revista Española de Cardiología with the greatest international impact
Most cited articles (long-term)
First prize Eduardo Alegría et alPrevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in the Spanish Working Population: MESYAS Registry. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2005;58:797-806
Second prize Francisco B. Ortega et al. Low Level of Physical Fitness in Spanish Adolescents. Relevance for Future Cardiovascular Health (AVENA Study). Rev Esp Cardiol. 2005;58:898-909
Most cited articles (mid-term)
First prize Ignacio Ferreira-González et al. MASCARA (Manejo del Síndrome Coronario Agudo. Registro Actualizado) Study. General Findings. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:803-16
Second prize Oksana Lushchenkova et al. Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Spanish Adult Non-Smokers Following the Introduction of an Anti-Smoking Law. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:687-94
3. Prize for the Section on Clinical and Outpatient Cardiology (2 articles) Manuel Anguita Sánchez et al. Effect of a Training Program for Primary Care Physicians on the Optimization of Beta-Blocker Treatment in Elderly Patients With Heart Failure. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2010;63:677-85
  Ana Flores-Marín et al. Long-Term Predictors of Mortality and Functional Recovery After Aortic Valve Replacement for Severe Aortic Stenosis With Left Ventricular Dysfunction. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2010;63:36-45
4. Prize for the Section on Geriatric Cardiology Ana Viana-Tejedor et al. Effectiveness of Catheter Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia in Elderly Patients With Structural Heart Disease. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2010;63:156-60
5. Prize for the Section on Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Cardiopathies Damián Sánchez-Quintana et al. Koch's Triangle and the Atrioventricular Node in Ebstein's Anomaly: Implications for Catheter Ablation. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2010;63:660-7
6. Prize for the Section on Ischemic Heart Disease and Coronary Units Patricia Palau et alEffect of Invasive Treatment on Prognosis in Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome With or Without Systolic Dysfunction. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2010;63:915-24
7. Prize for the Section on Electrophysiology and Arrhythmias Juan José Sánchez Muñoz et al. Premature Ventricular Complexes as a Trigger for Ventricular Fibrillation. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2010;63:798-801
8. Prize for the Section on Heart Stimulation Julio Martí-Almor et al. Novel Predictors of Progression of Atrioventricular Block in Patients With Chronic Bifascicular Block. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2010;63:400-8
9. Prize for the Section on Arterial Hypertension
First prize Juan José Beunza et al. Aspirin, Non-Aspirin Analgesics and the Risk of Hypertension in the SUN Cohort. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2010;63:286-93
Second prize Gemma Cuberas-Borrós et al. Normal Myocardial Perfusion SPECT Database for the Spanish Population. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2010;63:934-42
10. GE Healthcare prize to the best publication in echocardiography Pastora Gallego García de Vinuesa et al. Functional Anatomy of Aortic Regurgitation. Role of Transesophageal Echocardiography in Aortic Valve-Sparing Surgery. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2010;63:536-43
11. Izasa prizes to studies published in Interventional Cardiology
First prize Pablo Avanzas et al. Percutaneous Implantation of the CoreValve® Self-Expanding Aortic Valve Prosthesis in Patients With Severe Aortic Stenosis: Early Experience in Spain. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2010;63:141-8
Second prize Ramón López-Palop et al. Usefulness of the Fractional Flow Reserve Derived by Intracoronary Pressure Wire for Evaluating Angiographically Intermediate Lesions in Acute Coronary Syndrome. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2010;63:686-94

Figure 3. 2011 prize details.


As we announced last year, the management of the Revista Española de Cardiología Supplements is done through the Elsevier Editorial System for manuscripts (, the same used by REC. As in previous years, supplements were produced by Scientific Sections or industry. This year we published 6, more than the number of special issues. The REC supplements are indexed in SCOPUS and we have continued to request indexing in PubMed. We also published in January the “Current Topics” special issue, which was indexed in PubMed. It was written by the 11 Scientific Sections, summarizing the developments in each subspecialty during the previous year.6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 In fact, the publication compiles all developments until September of the corresponding year, so as to comment on the studies presented at the conference of the European Society of Cardiology. The results from the official registries of the Scientific Sections and working groups of the SEC appeared in November and December special issues. These articles are essential to understanding the current situation of cardiology in Spain, especially regarding the use of different techniques, their results, and the situation in each autonomous community.18, 19, 20, 21, 22 In July, another special issue was released: “Relevant Problems in Cardiology,” which compiled the papers of the joint session held by the American Heart Association, the Inter-American Society, and the SEC.23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.

The summaries from selected studies at the 3 most relevant international conferences−the American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association, and the European Society−are published on the Web site 24h after their presentation. Electronic publication on the blog permits us to immediately provide information to our readers, which is not possible with printed edition. This initiative started this year with the American College of Cardiology conference, and continued with the conferences of the European Society of Cardiology and American Heart Association. The visits recorded to the blog show the interest created by this new method.29, 30, 31.

As in previous years, we are translating the 2011 guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology, 1 of which will be published in December32; the other 3 will be published soon. By decision of the SEC Executive Committee,33 each guideline will be accompanied by an article commenting on the strengths and debatable points in each guideline and on how the recommendations can be adapted to our particular field of medicine. Authors are encouraged to cite these articles when citing the corresponding guideline.

Lastly, but no less important, are the educational initiatives taken by REC: the “Update on” section, which focuses on diseases in other organs with repercussions for the cardiovascular system,34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 and the new group of 5 articles under the title of “Focus on” covering advanced statistical issues.46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 As in previous years, the “Update on” section will offer credit-hours for interested readers. In contrast to previous years, starting in 2012 this will be available on the REC Web site.

OTHER INITIATIVES Conflicts of Interest

As we announced last year, we have adopted the proposal of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors modified by the HEART editors club and finally translated to Spanish. This document is perfectly appropriate for the current ethical requirements and, although it may seem excessive in our field, a global effort has been made to compile all possible interests that should be declared to readers, which is an obligatory step in rigorous scientific environments (eg, United States). The advantage is that, being in electronic format, this can be easily updated and serves for all journals.

National Society of Cardiovascular Journal Editors’ Network

This network unites editors from all European cardiovascular society journals. In the last meeting held at the European Society of Cardiology conference in Paris, a decision was made to share educational material, which HEART will publish under the title of “ALMANAC 2011.” This series of 6 chapters, which update 6 different cardiac syndromes, will be available on the Web site by the end of the year under the tab “NSCJ Editors’ Network.”

Latin-American Editors

In March, the SEC celebrated its third meeting with all editors from Iberoamerican cardiovascular journals (RCVIB). Representatives from 11 different societies attended, discussing topics of common interest, such as the document for declaring conflicts of interest that the REC has translated into Spanish and these journals will adapt to their needs, and the initiative to publish a summary of the best study from each journal on the REC Web site. This information will also be placed in the section of the Web site that specifically corresponds to the RCVIB, where the links for each journal are also located. On the Web page, the SCImago Journal Rank indicator is placed under the IF, which serves as another bibliometric index for both indexed and nonindexed journals. This indicator allows journals in the RCVIB to compare themselves against others, since the majority of them are not indexed.

As was requested in the second meeting, we have facilitated a group of reviewers from 5 different scientific societies (SEC, Argentine Federation of Cardiology, Argentine Society of Cardiology, Mexican Society of Cardiology, and Venezuelan Society of Cardiology) that have agreed to review articles from journals in smaller countries. Several editors have shown their satisfaction with the excellent functioning of this initiative.

Finally, the editor of the Cuban Journal of Cardiology, who has had many difficulties in the publication of the journal of this society, has resumed electronic publications this year and has requested the collaboration of the REC to this end. We decided to put out a joint supplement on cardiovascular prevention, which was compiled by Cuban cardiologists and others appointed by the preventive medicine section of the SEC.

OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE Revista Española de Cardiología Casa del Corazón Courses and Sociedad Española de Cardiología Conference Workshops

This year the REC again organized the course “How to write a scientific article: from the author to the reader,” which attempts to offer an integrated view of the research process, from the formulation of an initial hypothesis and methodology to the production of a manuscript and final publication. In this new version, we paid special attention to the practical application of the course content. The warm reception of this focus and the benefit perceived by the attendees led us to put together a similar initiative at the national conference of the SEC: a workshop titled “What you should know before writing a scientific article,” which we hope to repeat in future conferences.

“The best articles in the Revista Española de Cardiología” Session in the Sociedad Española de Cardiología Conference

For the second consecutive year, the REC held a special session at the SEC conference with the authors who were considered to have written the 4 best original articles published in our journal the previous year, along with those proposed by the Sections of the SEC. The authors gave a brief presentation of their articles, which were then commented on by experts in each subject. We believe that this highlights the quality of the studies submitted to the REC and gives us the opportunity to thank our authors for their confidence in the journal.

REDUCTION IN Revista Española de Cardiología PRINTING

As we announced last year, in keeping with the new trends in our readership and the use of digital tools, REC consulted the members of the SEC regarding the journal format they would prefer. A total of 1474 members filled out the survey, 20% of which requested to receive only the electronic edition. The number of printed copies was reduced to 1800 copies and the printed international edition was eliminated, which has been replaced with a version sent to a small group of contacts in the scientific societies with the closest relationships with the journal. Additionally, the simultaneous production of the journal in English and the policy of using electronic links amongst the RCVIB immediately communicate our journal to the entire world.


The most immediate project, which will commence with the January 2012 issue, is the elimination of the “Brief reports” section, which will be replaced with “Scientific letters.” These letters will be short articles of no more than 1000 words, with no abstract, and a limit of 2 elements (figure or table). With this format we will be able to publish more scientific letters, up to 6 in each issue, in comparison to the current maximum of 3 brief reports.

Regarding new technologies, in the coming months we intend on putting even more emphasis on access to journal content. As a major development, REC is participating in a European pilot project for the dissemination of content through programs installed on smart phones, tablets, etc. It is our hope that these applications will become available in the second half of the coming year.

Shortly, we will also have a computer program that will evaluate the originality of manuscripts and possible cases of plagiarism. This is a tool that editors use more and more each day, and assists in detecting cases of bad practice in the form of copyright infringement.


The editors would like to thank the effort, dedication, initiative, and patience contributed by Eva M. Cardenal, Iria del Río, and María González, who make the REC possible. It is a privilege to work with them.

Corresponding author: Revista Española de Cardiología. Nuestra Sra. de Guadalupe 5, 28028 Madrid, Spain.

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Actualización en cardiología geriátrica..
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Actualización en cardiología intervencionista..
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Novedades en técnicas de imagen cardiaca Novedades en hipertensión arterial y diabetes de 2010..
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Novedades en técnicas de imagen cardiaca..
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Insuficiencia cardiaca y trasplante..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 42-49
Barrabés JA, Bodí V, Jiménez-Candil J, Fernández-Ortiz A..
Actualización en cardiopatía isquémica..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 50-58
Albert DC, Del Cerro MJ, Carrasco JI, Portela F..
Actualización en cardiología pediátrica y cardiopatías congénitas: técnicas de imagen, hipertensión arterial pulmonar, tratamientos híbridos y quirúrgicos..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 59-65
Grima-Serrano A, García-Porrero E, Luengo-Fernández E, León Latre M..
Cardiología preventiva y rehabilitación cardiaca..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 66-72
Borrás-Pérez X, Murga-Eizagaechevarría N..
Novedades en cardiología clínica. La actitud del cardiólogo clínico ante los nuevos fármacos cardiovasculares..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 73-80
Hernández-Madrid A, Matía Francés R, Moro C..
Novedades en electrofisiología cardiaca y arritmias..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 81-90
Sancho-Tello de Carranza MJ, Ruiz-Mateas F, Fidalgo-Andrés ML, Buendía-Fuentes F..
Avances en estimulación cardiaca..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 91-99
Díaz JF, De la Torre JM, Sabate M, Goicolea J..
Registro Español de Hemodinámica y Cardiología Intervencionista. XX Informe Oficial de la Sección de Hemodinámica y Cardiología Intervencionista de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología (1990-2010)..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 1012-1022
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Registro Español de Desfibrilador Automático Implantable. VII Informe Oficial del Grupo de Trabajo de Desfibrilador Automático Implantable de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología (2010)..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 1023-1034
Macías Gallego A, Díaz-Infante E, García-Bolao I..
Registro Español de Ablación con Catéter. X Informe Oficial de la Sección de Electrofisiología y Arritmias de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología (2010)..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 1147-1153
Coma Samartín R, Sancho-Tello de Carranza MJ, Ruiz Mateas F, Leal del Ojo González J, Fidalgo Andrés ML, en representación de la Sección de Estimulación Cardiaca..
Registro Español de Marcapasos. VIII Informe Oficial de la Sección de Estimulación Cardiaca de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología (2010)..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 1154-1192
Almenar L, Segovia J, Crespo-Leiro MG, Palomo J, Arizón JM, Cobo M, et al, Equipos Españoles de Trasplante Cardiaco..
Registro Español de Trasplante Cardiaco. XXII Informe Oficial de la Sección de Insuficiencia Cardiaca y Trasplante Cardiaco de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología (1984-2010)..
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Fuster V, Sanz G..
Compuestos de dosis fija en la prevención secundaria de la cardiopatía isquémica..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 3-9
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Papel de la resonancia magnética en la evaluación de las valvulopatías..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 10-18
García E, Hernández-Antolín R, Dutary J, Paulo M, Heredia J, Guerrero F, et al..
Técnicas de rápido desarrollo en intervencionismo estructural..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 19-27
Ibáñez B, Fuster V, Macaya C, Jiménez-Borreguero J, Iñiguez A, Fernández-Ortiz A, et al..
Modulación del sistema betaadrenérgico durante el infarto agudo de miocardio: justificación para un nuevo ensayo clínico..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 28-33
Hernández-Leiva E..
Epidemiología del síndrome coronario agudo y la insuficiencia cardiaca en Latinoamérica..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 34-43
Avanzas P, Bayes-Genis A, Pérez de Isla L, Sanchis J, Heras M..
Resumen de los ensayos clínicos presentados en las Sesiones Científicas Anuales del American College of Cardiology (New Orleans, Luisiana USA, 2-5 de Abril de 2011)..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 508.e1-508.e8
Avanzas P, Bayes-Genis A, Pérez de Isla L, Sanchis J, Heras M..
Resumen de estudios clínicos presentados en el Congreso de 2011 de la European Society of Cardiology (27–30 de Agosto de 2011, París, Francia)..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 1011.e1-1011.e8
Avanzas P, Bayes-Genis A, Pérez de Isla L, Sanchis J, Heras M. Resumen de los ensayos clínicos presentados en las Sesiones Científicas Anuales de la American Heart Association (Orlando, USA, 12–16 de Noviembre de 2011). Rev Esp Cardiol. 2012 [in press]..
Working Group of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS)..
Guías de la ESC/EAS sobre el manejo de las dislipemias..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 1168.e1-1168.e60
Anguita M, Fernández-Ortiz A, Worner F, Alonso A, Cequier A, Comín J, et al..
La Sociedad Española de Cardiología y las guías de práctica clínica de la ESC: hacia una nueva orientación..
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Pérez de Isla L, Avanzas P, Bayes-Genis A, Sanchis J, Heras M..
Enfermedades sistémicas y corazón: introducción..
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López-Jiménez F, Cortés-Bergoderi M..
Obesidad y corazón..
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Rhee SS, Pearce EN..
Sistema endocrino y corazón: una revisión..
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Goldstein LB, El Husseini N..
Neurología y cardiología: puntos de contacto..
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La quimioterapia y el corazón..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 409-415
Liew G, Wang JJ..
Manifestaciones vasculares retinianas: ¿reflejan el estado del corazón?..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 515-521
Xu W, Wang WY, Becker RC..
Enfermedades hematológicas: desde dentro del corazón..
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Jackson CF, Wenger NK..
Enfermedad cardiovascular en el anciano..
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Villa-Forte A, Mandell BF..
Trastornos cardiovasculares y enfermedad reumática..
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Smith PJ, Blumenthal JA..
Aspectos psiquiátricos y conductuales de la enfermedad cardiovascular: epidemiología, mecanismos y tratamiento..
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Hall ME, George EM, Granger JP..
El corazón durante el embarazo..
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Górriz Teruel JL, Beltrán Catalán S..
Valoración de afección renal, disfunción renal aguda e hiperpotasemia por fármacos usados en cardiología y nefrotoxicidad por contrastes..
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Sanchis J, Avanzas P, Bayes-Genis A, Pérez de Isla L, Heras M..
Nuevos métodos estadísticos en la investigación cardiovascular..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 499-500
Núñez E, Steyerberg EW, Núñez J..
Estrategias para la elaboración de modelos estadísticos de regresión..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 501-507
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Análisis de riesgos competitivos..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 599-605
Ferreira González I, Urrútia G, Alonso-Coello P..
Revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis: bases conceptuales e interpretación..
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Steyerberg EW, Van Calster B, Pencina MJ..
Medidas del rendimiento de modelos de predicción y marcadores pronósticos: evaluación de las predicciones y clasificaciones..
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Pattanayak CW, Rubin DB, Zell ER..
Métodos de puntuación de propensión para crear una distribución equilibrada de las covariables en los estudios observacionales..
Rev Esp Cardiol. , (2011), 64 pp. 897-903
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