ISSN: 1885-5857 Impact factor 2023 7.2
Vol. 76. Num. 5.
Pages 370-378 (May 2023)

Editor's page
Revista Española de Cardiología 2022

Revista Española de Cardiología 2022

Juan SanchisaPablo AvanzasbDavid Filgueiras-RamabPablo García-PavíabLaura Sanchisb


Imagen extra
Rev Esp Cardiol. 2023;76:370-8

The current editorial team began its 3-year tenure at the Congress of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC) held in Zaragoza at the end of October 2021. Now, as every year,1,2 it is time to summarize the journal's activity in the last 12 months. First, we would like to thank the editorial office (Eva M. Cardenal, María González Nogal, Helena Gómez-Lobo, and Belén Juan), led by our editorial director, Iria del Río, for their excellent professionalism in ensuring an orderly transition between teams.


Figure 1 shows the number of articles received in 2022. Of note, the number of submissions decreased markedly, particularly original articles and scientific letters. There is no clear explanation for this. The most plausible reason is that submissions significantly increased in the year of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. Indeed, Figure 1 illustrates the historical peak in the submission of original articles and scientific letters in 2020. Conceivably, research groups need new data to restart production. There were some initial signs of a recovery at the end of 2022, as shown in Figure 2. In addition, and with the aim of boosting publication activity, Rev Esp Cardiol has promoted the involvement of young cardiologists in research and publication (see below). In addition, we have decided to actively invite internationally known groups working on experimental cardiology to submit research articles to Rev Esp Cardiol. All of this, together with the journal's high impact factor (IF) in the 2021 Journal Citation Reports (2022 release), lead us to feel optimistic that submissions will increase in the near future.

Figure 1.

Original articles, scientific letters and images in cardiology submitted to Rev Esp Cardiol in 2022.

Figure 2.

Original articles submitted to Rev Esp Cardiol monthly, 2021-2022.


Most of the articles (53%) continue to be submitted from Spain, while 13% are from other European countries, 15% from Latin America, less than 1% from North America, and 18% from other countries (mainly Asia).


Reviewers’ commitment to Rev Esp Cardiol is one of its main assets. The virtues of our review process are its quality and speed. Table 1 and Table 2 list Rev Esp Cardiol reviewers in 2022 and our elite reviewers (September 2021 – August 2022). We would like to extend our most sincere gratitude and appreciation to all of them. Figure 3 shows the review times of the first submitted version of the manuscripts in 2022, which are excellent and fairly similar to those of 2021. We believe that shorter times would probably be incompatible with a thorough review.

Table 1.

Revista Española de Cardiología reviewers in 2022

Omar Abdul-Jawad 
César Abelleira 
Emad Abu-Assi 
Juan Acosta 
Alejandro Adsuar 
Jazmín Aguado 
Finn Akerström 
Arístides Alarcón 
Alejandro Alcaine 
Manuel Alcázar 
Guillermo Aldama 
Jorge Alegre 
Josep M. Alegret 
Fernando Alfonso 
Joaquín Alonso 
Gonzalo L. Alonso-Salinas 
Pau Alonso 
Rodrigo Alonso 
Rafael Alonso-González 
Alberto Alperi 
Miguel Álvarez 
Jesús Álvarez-García 
Ignacio J. Amat 
Dominick Angiolillo 
Ignasi Anguera 
Manuel P. Anguita 
Eduardo Arana 
Miguel Á. Arias 
Albert Ariza 
Pedro Armario 
Vicente Arrarte 
Ramón Arroyo 
Dabit Arzamendi 
Juan J. Badimón 
Enrique J. Balbacid 
José Banegas 
Adrian Baranchuk 
Alfredo Bardají 
Eduardo Barge-Caballero 
Gonzalo Barge-Caballero 
José Barrabes 
Ana Barradas 
Manuel Barreiro 
Roberto Barriales 
Antonio Barros 
Teresa Bastante 
Pablo Bastos 
Javier Bautista 
Antoni Bayés de Luna 
Antoni Bayés-Genís 
Víctor Bazán 
Begoña Benito 
Alberto Berenguer 
Francisco J. Bermúdez 
J. Luis Bernal 
José R. Berrazueta 
Antonio Berruezo 
Giuseppe Biondi 
Manuel Blanco 
Zorba Blázquez 
Vicente Bodí 
Clara Bonanad 
Araceli Boraita 
Luis Borrego 
Xavier Bosch 
Ramón Bover 
Montserrat Bret 
María Brion 
Sem Briongos 
Josep Brugada 
Héctor Bueno 
Pilar Cabanas 
Ramón Calviño 
Francisco E. Calvo 
David Calvo 
Óscar Campuzano 
Raquel Campuzano 
Óscar Cano 
Victoria Cañadas 
Pedro Caravaca 
Juan Caro 
Amelia Carro 
Antonio Cartón 
Víctor Castro 
Pilar Cejudo 
Ángel R. Cequier 
Marina Cerrone 
Marinela Chaparro 
Fernando Civeira 
Marta Cobo 
Miguel Á. Cobos 
Antonio Coca 
Josep Comín 
Luciano Consuegra 
Alberto Cordero 
Juan Cosín-Sales 
Eliecer Coto 
Javier Courel 
David Couto 
Ignacio Cruz 
Héctor Cubero 
José I. Cuende 
Emilio Cuesta 
José Curbelo 
Regina Dalmau 
Tomás Datino 
José A. de Agustín 
Fernando de Frutos 
Javier De Juan Bagudá 
Rafael E. De la Espriella 
Jesus M. de la Hera 
José M. de la Torre-Hernández 
Giovanni Luigi De María 
Irene R. Dégano 
Juan F. Delgado 
Beatriz Díaz-Molina 
José F. Díaz 
Leonel Díaz-González 
Jesús Díaz-Gutiérrez 
Elena Díaz-Peláez 
Javier Díez 
Pablo Díez-Villanueva 
David Dobarro 
Adelina Doltra 
Blanca Domenech 
Fernando Domínguez 
Alberto Domínguez-Rodríguez 
Laura Dos 
Julio C. Echarte 
Sonia Eiras 
Rocío Eiros 
Jaime Elízaga 
Daniel Enríquez 
Carlos Escobar 
Laura Escolà-Vergé 
M. Pilar Escribano 
Juan M. Escudier 
Alberto Esteban 
Rodrigo Estévez 
Vicente Estrada 
Artur Evangelista 
Núria Farré 
Marta Farrero 
José A. Fernández-Díaz 
Carlos Fernández-Palomeque 
Ángel L. Fernández 
Juan Fernández-Armenta 
Leticia Fernández-Friera 
Covadonga Fernández-Golfín 
Ignacio Fernández-Lozano 
Diego Fernández-Rodríguez 
Marcos Ferrández-Escarabajal 
Ignacio Ferreira-González 
José L. Ferreiro 
Carlos Ferrera 
Xacobe Flores 
Adolfo Fontenla 
José F. Forteza 
Eduardo Franco 
Xavier Freixa 
Luigi Gabrielli 
Carlos Galán 
Laura Galián 
María Gallego-Delgado 
Ana García-Álvarez 
Bruno García del Blanco 
Alba García-Escolano 
Rocío García-Orta 
Ignacio García-Bolao 
Alberto García-Lledó 
Inés García-Lunar 
Xavier García-Moll 
Antonio García-Quintana 
José A. García-Robles 
Juan Gimeno 
Josébe Goirigolzarri-Artaza 
Dulcenombre Gómez-Garre 
M. Carmen Gómez-Rubín 
Manuel Gómez-Bueno 
Juan J. Gómez-Doblas 
Joan A. Gómez-Hospital 
José González-Costello 
Arantxa González-Miqueo 
Álvaro González-Rocafort 
José M. González-Santos 
Juan J. González-Ferrer 
Violeta González-Salvado 
Francisco González-Vílchez 
José L. Górriz 
John Graham 
Antonio Grande 
Pilar Guallar 
Eduard Guasch 
José Guerra 
Enrique Gutiérrez-Ibañes 
José Gutiérrez 
Gabriela Guzmán-Martínez 
Jordi Heijman 
Iván Hernández-Betancor 
Felipe Hernández-Hernández 
Francisco J. Hernández-Pérez 
Daniel Hernández-Vaquero 
Ignacio Iglesias-Gárriz 
José Jalife 
Santiago Jiménez-Valero 
Carmen Jiménez 
Javier Jiménez-Candil 
Juan Jiménez-Jáimez 
Manuel F. Jiménez-Navarro 
Justo Juliá 
Alfonso Jurado-Román 
Juan C. Kaski 
Adnan Kastrati 
Won-Keun Kim 
Giulio La Rosa 
Enrique Lara 
María Lázaro 
Pablo Loma-Osorio 
Teresa López-Fernández 
José López-Haldón 
Diego López-Otero 
Javier López 
Esteban López-de-Sá 
Ramón López-Palop 
Rebeca Lorca 
Gerard Loughlin 
Íñigo Lozano 
María Luaces 
Álvaro Macías 
Begoña Manso 
Francisco Marín 
Manuel Marina 
Manlio F. Márquez 
Carlos E. Martín 
María Martín 
Laura Martínez-Mateu 
Pedro Martínez 
Isaac Martínez-Bendayán 
José L. Martínez-Sande 
Manuel Martínez-Sellés 
Lluis Masana 
María D. Masiá 
Andrea Mazzanti 
Hernán D. Mejía 
Ana Méndez 
Irene Méndez 
Guiomar Mendieta 
Dolores Mesa-Rubio 
Ángel L. Miracle 
Javier Modrego 
Pedro Moliner 
Emilio Monguió 
Lorenzo Monserrat 
Juan M. Monteagudo 
Vanessa Moñivas 
Raúl Moreno 
César Morís 
Guillermo Muñiz 
Antonio J. Muñoz 
José Nativi 
Luis Nombela 
Francisco J. Noriega 
Julio Núñez 
Iván J. Núñez-Gil 
Soledad Ojeda 
Carmen Olmos 
Peter Ong 
Marta Ortega 
Carolina Ortiz 
Joaquín Osca 
Teresa Padró 
Julián Palacios 
Julián Palomino 
Manuel Pan 
Ana Pardo 
Isaac Pascual 
Salvador Pedraza 
Rafael Peinado 
Laura Peña 
María L. Peña 
Daniel Pereda 
Leopoldo Pérez de Isla 
Armando Pérez de Prado 
Diego Pérez 
Esther Pérez-David 
Carlos N. Pérez-García 
Antonia Pijuan 
Inés Ponz de Antonio 
Eduardo Pozo 
Raquel Prieto 
Juan Puig 
Juan Quiles 
Antonio Ramos-Martínez 
Diego Rangel 
Sergio Raposeiras-Roubín 
Susana Ravassa 
Elena Refoyo 
Ander Regueiro 
María A. Restrepo 
Juan R. Rey 
Juan J. Ríos 
Tomás Ripoll 
Mercedes Rivas 
José Rivera 
Fernando Rivero 
Ivo Roca-Luque 
Moisés Rodríguez-Mañero 
José F. Rodríguez-Palomares 
Inmaculada Roldán 
Nieves Romero 
José Rozado 
Fernando Rueda 
José Ruiz-Cantador 
Ricardo Ruiz-Granell 
María J. Ruiz-Cano 
Juan M. Ruiz-Nodar 
Manel Sabaté 
Ricardo Salgado 
Rafael Salguero 
Luisa Salido 
Jorge Salinas 
Pablo Salinas 
Óscar Salvador 
José A. San Román 
Pedro L. Sánchez 
Javier Sánchez-González 
Ángel Sánchez-Recalde 
Enrique Santas 
Carlos García Santos-Gallego 
María Sanz de la Garza 
Javier Sanz 
Fernando Sarnago 
Georgia Sarquella 
Inés Sayago 
Javier Segovia 
Lorenzo Silva 
Jacobo Silva 
Alessandro Sionis 
Marta Sitges 
Maite Subirana 
Gabriela Tirado 
Jorge Toquero 
Javier Torres 
Leire Unzué 
Aitor Uribarri 
Félix Valencia 
Alfonso Valle 
Israel Valverde 
Luca Vannini 
Ravi Vazirani 
Rafael Vázquez-García 
Ana Viana 
Rafael Vidal 
Maite Vidán 
Isidre Vilacosta 
Ricardo Vivancos 
David Vivas 
Sergi Yun 
Juan I. Zabala 
Elisabet Zamora 
Manuel Zarzoso 
Eduardo Zatarain 
Table 2.

Elite reviewers 2022

Fernando Alfonso 
Juan Caro 
Luciano Consuegra 
Alberto Cordero 
Pablo Díez-Villanueva 
Juan J. Gómez-Doblas 
Enrique Gutiérrez-Ibañes 
Manuel Jiménez-Navarro 
Esteban López-de-Sá 
Ramón López-Palop 
Figure 3.

Time to first decision (days) and review times, both overall and for original articles exclusively.


Newsletters have become central for readers of scientific journals. Currently, they are the primary vehicle for spreading newly published articles. With this in mind, we have completely renewed Rev Esp Cardiol newsletters as follows: a) the content is separated according to the language of the articles, with English at the top of the newsletter and Spanish at the bottom; thus, readers can directly access their preferred language; b) articles are classified and grouped according to their specific field, identified by a section heading; c) a central illustration is included for each original, review and special article; d) the number of listed authors per article has been reduced to two (first and last) to avoid a wordy presentation; and e) the header Rev Esp Cardiol is now more visible.

The first revamped newsletter was sent to our subscribers on April 26, 2022. The initial feedback was fairly positive as per the number of articles downloaded, with a significant and sustained increase.

Central illustration

Many journals have now introduced a central illustration in original articles. The goal is to show the main result of the study in a graphic and appealing design. Rev Esp Cardiol joined this trend in 2022, presenting central illustrations in the newsletter and website. We hope our readers find this initiative attractive.

Mean time between acceptance and publication

Authors appreciate speed between acceptance of their articles and their availability in Medline. In addition, knowledge is disseminated to the scientific community earlier. So far, the first format through which Rev Esp Cardiol articles could be accessed via Medline was the ahead-of-print publication of the English version. The production of an ahead-of-print article takes around 40 days. Despite the efforts of our editorial office and publisher, we were unable to shorten this production time and so we took the initiative of producing an uncorrected version of our articles (pre-proof) immediately after their acceptance. Overall, this format makes articles available approximately 17 days after acceptance on the Rev Esp Cardiol website and ScienceDirect and about 14 days later on Medline. This does not apply to articles submitted in Spanish, since Medline only indexes the English edition of Rev Esp Cardiol. Consequently, articles submitted in Spanish must wait for their English translation for publication on Medline.

Education and young cardiologists

A central objective of scientific journals should be education, which should not be overshadowed by bibliometric interests. Indeed, we have continued and increased the publication of reviews and consensus documents considered of interest to the cardiology community3–13 and the official reports of the national registries of pacemakers,14 implantable automatic defibrillators,15 heart transplant,16 cardiac catheterization and interventional cardiology,17 and catheter ablation.18 Starting this year, the translated version of the ESC guidelines will be available on the SEC website rather than in Rev Esp Cardiol.

The editorial team believes that it is essential to involve young cardiologists in research. To this end, we created 2 new awards for the best articles published in Rev Esp Cardiol by a cardiologist of 40 years or younger and a resident in addition to the annual SEC awards for the best published articles (Table 3). Likewise, at the 2022 SEC Congress held in Palma de Mallorca, the editors delivered a seminar on designing and conducting a research project and writing a scientific article. In addition, in 2022 Rev Esp Cardiol published the best clinical case of the 2022 SEC Clinical Case League in the form of a scientific letter, accompanied by an editorial comment emphasizing its educational value.39,40Rev Esp Cardiol is now preparing the 2023 edition. We hope that all these initiatives will increae awareness among young cardiologists and residents of the importance of research.

Table 3.

Articles receiving an award from the Spanish Society of Cardiology in 2022

1. Prizes awarded by the Spanish Society of Cardiology for articles published in Rev Esp Cardiol in 2021 
First prize 
Morentin B, et al. Sports-related sudden cardiac death in Spain. A multicenter, population-based, forensic study of 288 cases. Rev Esp Cardiol. 202119 
Second prize 
Barriales-Villa R, et al. Risk predictors in a Spanish cohort with cardiac laminopathies. The REDLAMINA registry. Rev Esp Cardiol. 202120 
2. Prizes awarded by the Spanish Society of Cardiology for the articles published in Rev Esp Cardiol with the greatest international impact 
Most-cited articles, long-term 
First prize 
Aranceta-Bartrina J, et al. Prevalence of General Obesity and Abdominal Obesity in the Spanish Adult Population (Aged 25–64 Years) 2014–2015: The ENPE Study. Rev Esp Cardiol. 201621 
Second prize 
Menéndez E, et al. Prevalence, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Control of Hypertension in Spain. Results of the Study. Rev Esp Cardiol. 201622 
Most-cited articles, midterm 
First prize 
Hernaez A, et al. Excess Weight in Spain: Current Situation, Projections for 2030, and Estimated Direct Extra Cost for the Spanish Health System. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2019.23 
Second prize 
Na SJ, et al. Vasoactive Inotropic Score as a Predictor of Mortality in Adult Patients With Cardiogenic Shock: Medical Therapy Versus ECMO. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2019.24 
3. Prize awarded by the Spanish Society of Cardiology for the best article published in Rev Esp Cardiol by a first author ≤ 40 years old 
López - Sainz A, et al. Clinical profile and outcome of cardiac amyloidosis in a Spanish referral center. Rev Esp Cardiol. 202125 
4. Prize awarded by the Spanish Society of Cardiology for the best article published in Rev Esp Cardiol by a resident in a Spanish center 
Sánchez Vega JD, et al. Temporal trends in postinfarction ventricular septal rupture: the CIVIAM Registry. Rev Esp Cardiol. 202126 
5. Prize awarded by the Spanish Society of Cardiology for the best article published in REC: CardioClinics 
Plata-Mosquera CA, et al. Sacubitril/valsartan reduces levels of procollagen types I and III and correlates with reverse cardiac remodeling. REC CardioClinics. 202127 
6. Prize awarded by the Interventional Cardiology Association for the best article published in REC: Interventional Cardiology 
First prize 
van Zandvoort LJC, et al. Predictors of postprocedural fractional flow reserve: insights from the FFR-SEARCH study. REC Interv Cardiol. 202128 
Second prize 
Cepas-Guillén PL, et al. Outcomes of nonagenarians after transcatheter aortic valve implantation. REC Interv Cardiol. 202129 
7. Prizes awarded by the Clinical Cardiology Association for the best articles published in Rev Esp Cardiol 
López-Sainz A, et al. Clinical profile and outcome of cardiac amyloidosis in a Spanish referral center. Rev Esp Cardiol. 202125 
Martín García A, et al. Stratification and management of cardiovascular risk in cancer patients. A consensus document of the SEC, FEC, SEOM, SEOR, SEHH, SEMG, AEEMT, AEEC, and AECC. Rev Esp Cardiol. 202130 
8. Prize awarded by the Ischemic Heart Disease and Acute Cardiac Care Association for the best article published in Rev Esp Cardiol 
Sánchez-Salado JC, et al. Trends in cardiogenic shock management and prognostic impact of type of treating center. Rev Esp Cardiol. 202031 
9. Prize awarded by the Cardiovascular Risk and Rehabilitation Association for the best publication 
Castro-Conde A, et al. Feasibility and results of an intensive cardiac rehabilitation program. Insights from the MxM (Más por Menos) randomized trial. Rev Esp Cardiol. 202132 
10. Prize awarded by the Heart Rhythm Association for the best article published in Rev Esp Cardiol 
Loughlin G, et al. Predictors of adoption and impact of evidence-based programming on the incidence of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapies. Rev Esp Cardiol. 202133 
11. Prize awarded by the Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Disease Section for the best article published in Rev Esp Cardiol 
Rueda Soriano J, et al. Time course and predictors for neoaortic root dilatation and neoaortic valve regurgitation during adult life after arterial switch operation. Rev Esp Cardiol. 202134 
12. Prize awarded by the Section on Familial Heart Disease and Cardiovascular Genetics for the best article published in Rev Esp Cardiol 
Barriales-Villa R, et al. Risk predictors in a Spanish cohort with cardiac laminopathies. The REDLAMINA registry. Rev Esp Cardiol. 202120 
13. Prizes awarded by the Cardiac Imaging Association for the best articles published 
Gamaza S, et al. Prognostic value of aortic valve area normalized to body size in native aortic stenosis. Rev Esp Cardiol. 202135 
Urmeneta J, et al. Myocardial strain in nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy with feature tracking. Feasibility and prognostic implications. Rev Esp Cardiol. 202136 
14. Magda Heras prize for the best article published in an Iberoamerican cardiovascular journal 
First prize 
Morentin B, et al. Sports-related sudden cardiac death in Spain. A multicenter, population-based, forensic study of 288 cases. Rev Esp Cardiol. 202119 
Second prize 
Santos IS, et al. Atrial Fibrillation Diagnosis using ECG Records and Self-Report in the Community: Cross-Sectional Analysis from Elsa-Brasil. Arq Bras Cardiol. 202137 
Third prize 
Jimena Gamgarte M, et al. Comparación pronóstica entre scores de riesgo y la aplicación de redes neuronales para la predicción de la mortalidad a corto y mediano plazo en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca. Rev Argent Cardiol. 202138 
Website and social media

Our website is an undisputed reference for information on cardiology in Spanish.41 In 2022, our digital edition was consulted by more than 5.7 million users, with a total of almost 13 million page views. In ScienceDirect, Rev Esp Cardiol articles exceeded 1 million visits to our Spanish and English articles. There were also the views and downloads from other repositories. Most of the traffic comes from the prominent positioning of our articles in search engines (91.4% organic traffic), followed by direct searches and links from other websites.

During the last year, we have been intensely active on social media, mainly on Twitter, the preferred social platform of cardiologists worldwide. The number of followers of the REC Publications Twitter profile42 has increased (20 380 at the beginning of 2023), and efforts have been made to tag article authors, who now also have the possibility of including their Twitter account information in their articles. Last year, we incorporated the creation of threads and increased our multimedia content, with central illustrations to make the articles more attractive to read and enhance their dissemination. We would like to thank the REC Publications’ ICT consultant, Juan Quiles, for his excellent work.

Starting in 2023, there have been some notable innovations regarding the Editor's videos: they have been shortened to 2minutes and, instead of the previous author-editor interview, one of the authors now takes on the leading role, directly presenting the main findings of the research article. Our idea is to facilitate views on mobile devices and social media and optimize the integration of these materials in CardioTV, the audiovisual SEC ecosystem. Rev Esp Cardiol will continue the regular publication of author interviews on the Rev Esp Cardiol Blog,43 on the SEC website and their presence in SEC News and other SEC bulletins.


Registries are an essential source of research activity. They often involve multiple centers and patients. Consequently, coordination and data management require considerable effort by principal investigators and these articles deserve publication of the results in a top journal like Rev Esp Cardiol. For this purpose, proper design and high-quality data are essential. In a recent Editor's page, we expressed concerns about self-reported, unaudited registries submitted to Rev Esp Cardiol.44 In summary, our thoughts are as follows: a) a registry should address not only what is already known in a particular context but also some novel features; b) the availability of electronic clinical histories allows homogeneity of data acquisition among centers, in terms of a reproducible flowchart for screening and recruitment, and facilitates follow-up.45 Therefore, the final article should present a flowchart and the completeness of the follow-up. Furthermore, these articles will now have to include information on participating centers, listing the principal investigator in each center who is responsible for the accuracy of the data.


IF is often considered the universal quality index of scientific journals. Rev Esp Cardiol reached its historical IF peak last year, positioning the journal in the first quartile of the Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems category. We acknowledge the excellent job of the previous editorial team. Without denying its value as the first marker of a scientific journal, IF is widely recognized to be an imperfect metric.46 This index can be increased or decreased by unexpected circumstances. Furthermore, the system for measuring IF is changing, and, starting in 2020, early access is gradually being added to Journal Citation Reports. This onboarding process is not simultaneous for all journals and, until it finishes, which may take years, IF may become unstable. We are paying close attention to changes in the IF of Rev Esp Cardiol without forgetting other quality indexes or the journal's educational objectives.


In 2022 we celebrated 75 years of Rev Esp Cardiol, providing us with an opportunity to reflect on what has been achieved during these years and the future of the journal. The scenario of cardiology journals has become highly competitive. The leading journals have created an extensive network of excellent family journals, while new journals, mostly open-access, have also been launched. Traditional journals face difficulties in jostling for a space in this highly competitive field. The situation is even more challenging for national journals like Rev Esp Cardiol. We created our sister journals (REC: CardioClinics47 and REC: Interventional Cardiology48) in 2018 to allow the publication of more submitted articles. We also have an international mission, and some initiatives this year went in this direction. However, Spanish investigators constitute our primary target. They are the main asset of Rev Esp Cardiol, and their contribution is essential for the future. From these lines, we would like to encourage them to continue supporting Rev Esp Cardiol, and our commitment is to respond to this engagement.


None received.


None declared.


Once again, we must mention the work of the translation and proofreading teams, whose professionalism allows the journal to continue to be bilingual. For the English version, we continue to count on the translation team composed of Simon Bartlett, Helen Casas, Celine Cavallo, Kevin Clayton, Simon Coxon, Jane Marshall, and Anne Murray, coordinated by Gail Craigie as copyeditor. We also thank all the departments of Casa del Corazón for their help and support in increasing the prominence of our journal; José Luis Vázquez, responsible for audiovisuals at the SEC, deserves special mention for his enthusiasm and professionalism in new Rev Esp Cardiol projects, as does Fernando Fernández, director of the IT department, for his collaborative vision and valuable insights.

Finally, we would like to dedicate this article to our beloved Azucena Saavedra, our journal manager in Elsevier since 2017, whose loss in December 2022 filled us with sadness. May these lines serve to thank her for her great work, which has been instrumental in helping our journal to achieve many successes over the years, including those presented on this Editors’ Page.

I. Ferreira-González, Á. Sánchez-Recalde, E. Abu-Assi, M.A. Arias, P. Gallego.
A fond farewell from the editors of Revista Española de Cardiología 2015-2021.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2021), 74 pp. 451-461
J. Sanchis, P. Avanzas, D. Filgueiras-Rama, et al.
New new perspectives.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2022), 75 pp. 431-439
J.A. Requena-Ibáñez, C.G. Santos-Gallego, J.J. Badimón.
SGLT2i in heart failure: can their benefits be expanded across the entire spectrum of ejection fraction?.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2022), 75 pp. 833-841
J. Bañeras, J. Iglesies-Grau, M. Téllez-Plaza, et al.
Environment and cardiovascular health: causes, consequences and opportunities in prevention and treatment.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2022), 75 pp. 1050-1058
G. Casas, J.F. Rodríguez-Palomares, I. Ferreira-González.
Left ventricular noncompaction: a disease or a phenotypic trait?.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2022), 75 pp. 1059-1069
R. de la Espriella, M. Cobo, E. Santas, et al.
Assessment of filling pressures and fluid overload in heart failure: an updated perspective.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 47-57
E. Ferrer-Sistach, A. Teis, A. Bayés-Genís, V. Delgado.
Multimodality imaging in aortic stenosis: new diagnostic and therapeutic frontiers.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 40-46
J.P. Sánchez-Luna, I.J. Amat-Santos.
Interventional management of mechanical complications in acute myocardial infarction.
X. Rossello, M. González-Del-Hoyo.
Survival analyses in cardiovascular research, part I: the essentials.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2022), 75 pp. 67-76
X. Rossello, M. González-Del-Hoyo.
Survival analyses in cardiovascular research, part II: statistical methods in challenging situations.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2022), 75 pp. 77-85
I. Cruz-González, R. Estévez-Loureiro, M. Barreiro-Pérez, et al.
Mitral and tricuspid valve disease: diagnosis and management. Consensus document of the Section on Valvular Heart Disease and the Cardiovascular Imaging, Clinical Cardiology, and Interventional Cardiology Associations of the Spanish Society of Cardiology.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2022), 75 pp. 911-922
M. Barreiro-Pérez, B. Cabeza, D. Calvo, et al.
Magnetic resonance in patients with cardiovascular devices SEC-GT CRMTC/SEC-Heart Rhythm Association/SERAM/SEICAT consensus document.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2023), 76 pp. 183-198
M. Martínez-Sellés, F.J. Hernández-Pérez, A. Uribarri, et al.
Cardiogenic shock code 2023.
Expert document for a multidisciplinary organization that allows quality care. Rev Esp Cardiol., (2022),
M. Pombo Jiménez, J. Chimeno García, V. Bertomeu González, Ó. Cano Pérez.
Spanish pacemaker registry.
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Sacubitril/valsartan reduces levels of procollagen types I and III and correlates with reverse cardiac remodeling.
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J. Rueda Soriano, M.J. Rodríguez Puras, F. Buendía Fuentes, et al.
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J. Urmeneta, E. Pozo Osinalde, J.L. Rodríguez-Hernández, et al.
Myocardial strain in nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy with feature tracking. Feasibility and prognostic implications.
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Exertional dyspnea following lumbar microdiscectomy.
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Learning from clinical cases: a safe bet yesterday and today.
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Clinical Trial Expert Group and ESC Patient Forum. Randomized trials fit for the 21st century. A joint opinion from the European Society of Cardiology, American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, and the World Heart Federation.
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Impact Factor: A Curious and Capricious Metric.
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REC: CardioClinics. Available in: Accessed 16 Jan 2023.
REC: Interventional Cardiology. Available in: Accessed 16 Jan 2023.
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