ISSN: 1885-5857 Impact factor 2023 7.2
Vol. 74. Num. 5.
Pages 451-461 (May 2021)

Editor's page
A fond farewell from the editors of Revista Española de Cardiología 2015-2021

Despedida del equipo editorial de Revista Española de Cardiología 2015-2021

Ignacio Ferreira-GonzálezaÁngel Sánchez-RecaldebEmad Abu-AssibMiguel Ángel AriasbPastora Gallegob



The “Editor's page” is the medium through which the editorial team of Revista Española de Cardiología (Rev Esp Cardiol) reviews the journal's overall activity during the last year, in addition to communicating novelties and future plans. This year will be the sixth “Editor's page” drafted by this editor and his editorial team, and the last. The past 6 years have been dizzying and fascinating for the entire team. We have strived to maintain and even increase the scientific quality of Rev Esp Cardiol while improving its dissemination and consolidating its visibility in the group of cardiovascular journals with the greatest impact. In the following pages, we present a brief but broad overview of the events of these 6 years for Rev Esp Cardiol in all their facets and critically evaluate whether the editorial team has achieved the goals laid out in 2015. In addition, we describe how the transition to the new team will be conducted.

The challenge raised by this “Editor's page” is by no mean small. As well as being the last such article, the previous year has truly been anomalous. The tsunami represented by the COVID-19 pandemic will not be easily forgotten. The last few months have tested us, both individually and as a group. We have had to turn our respective roles upside down and inside out to adapt to the new situation, all in a record time. The circumstances have also affected Rev Esp Cardiol, whose editorial office has made every effort to deal with a considerable amount of extra scientific material, as discussed below.


Our most loyal readers will notice that some of the figures presented in this section and the next differ slightly from those of previous years. This is due to a change in the method used to extract and analyze the data. From this year, we have decided to report the information on article reception and decisions taken during each calendar year (we previously indicated the editorial decisions regarding articles received in the calendar year, which invariably meant that, at publication of the “Editor's page”, some articles received in the previous year were awaiting a final decision). As a consequence of this new policy, the data presented are definitive, although it must be remembered that the article reception and decision figures are not fully comparable, given that decisions were made on some articles in a subsequent period.

Figure 1 shows the number of manuscripts received by Rev Esp Cardiol in almost the entire period of this editorial team. As can be seen, despite annual variations, the demand for publication was stable at between 950 and 1150 manuscripts per year and grew markedly in the last year. Indeed, a historic high was reached in 2020 with 1263 manuscripts received. If we, for example, compare this number with the volume at the end of the previous decade (2010; 712 manuscripts received), we see a greater than 75% increase. If we refer exclusively to submission of original articles (figure 2), 2020 marked a new historic record, with 529 original articles received, almost 30% higher than the previous high in 2016. Although we had already detected a considerable increase in original articles received in 2019, the most important factor underlying this sudden increase has been the submission of manuscripts related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Figure 3 shows the demand for the publication of articles related to this topic between March and December, which traces a curve very similar to that of the epidemiology. Readers may be able to envision the workload that this has represented for the editorial office, whose members must be thanked deeply for their effort. The other journals in the REC Publications group have also responded to this situation, publishing official material of major interest.1–4

Figure 1.

Evolution of the total numbers of manuscripts received by Rev Esp Cardiol from 2016 to 2020.

Figure 2.

Evolution of the total numbers of original articles received by Rev Esp Cardiol from 2016 to 2020.

Figure 3.

Number of manuscripts concerning COVID-19 received for publication by Rev Esp Cardiol between March and December 2020.


The increased demand (figure 1 and figure 2), although a barometer of the good health of Rev Esp Cardiol, cannot unfortunately go hand-in-hand with an increase of the same magnitude in the number of articles ultimately published. For example, although the acceptance and rejection rates for original articles have been stable for the last 5 years and more articles of this category were accepted in 2020 than in previous years, the number of original articles rejected increased due to the jump in such articles received (figure 4). This situation has generated a stock of original articles awaiting publication that must be reduced in the mid-term.

Figure 4.

Final editorial decisions concerning original articles taken by Rev Esp Cardiol from 2016 to 2020.


Figure 5 shows the number of articles published by type in recent years. Although we have recently opted for a certain stability regarding the numbers of original articles published per issue, we decided to increase the space allowed for these articles in 2021, from 5 to 6 per issue, in order to reduce the stock generated. In addition, original manuscripts rejected for publication by Rev Esp Cardiol can be transferred to either of the other journals of REC Publications. During 2020, a transfer possibility was offered to 170 manuscripts (of these, 130 were original articles). In the same year, slightly more than 15% were transferred to one of the other journals of the REC Publications group and considered for publication. We encourage authors to consider publication of their work in REC: CardioClinics5 and REC: Interventional Cardiology,6 either through direct submission or consideration of a transfer when it is offered.

Figure 5.

Manuscripts published in Rev Esp Cardiol from 2016 to 2020. The datum corresponding to the total for each year includes other types of articles not individually shown in this graph.


What can be clearly seen in the last 5 years is a significant decrease in the number of reviews published (whether in the form of review articles or focus articles), particularly in the last 2 years. As already announced in the “Editor's page” of 2020,7 the reason for this decrease was the extraordinary competiveness of this format in the cardiovascular field. Regardless, we have dedicated the space available for this type of article to first-rate manuscripts and we would like to congratulate the authors for the quality of their work.8–18 Any decision regarding the number of reviews to be published by Rev Esp Cardiol in the coming years will be left to the next editorial team. We believe that, regardless of their bibliometric potential, they constitute an excellent educational resource that must continue.

During recent years, the number of scientific letters published has varied significantly, with an increase in the first few years and a marked decrease in the last 2 years. This variation is related to various factors. One reason is the transfer of the publication of the “Advances in cardiology” articles from the scientific letter format in Rev Esp Cardiol to a longer format in a dedicated issue of the journal REC: CardioClinics.19 Independently of this factor, we decided upon a change in the editorial policy that involved a progressive decrease in the number of scientific letters published to avoid suspicion of impact factor distortion, as discussed in the previous “Editor's page”.7

Two specific sections have been introduced during this editorial period, both in 2017. The first is the section “Atrium”,20 a written summary of the issue contents by the Editor-in-Chief. This section continued until December 2020. The second, named “Viaje al corazón de las palabras” (“Into the heart of terminology”),21 is a magnificently written section by Fernando A. Navarro, a member of our Advisory Board, whose aim is to comment entertainingly on the doubts and peculiarities of scientific language.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that, during the last year, a boost has been given to Rev Esp Cardiol Supplements, with a total of 5 published on various topics in 2020.22–26

Digital format and social media

Our website27 continues to be one of the main worldwide sources of information on cardiology in Spanish. In 2020, 5 million users consulted our digital edition, with a total of 11.5 million page views and a 4.7% increase in time spent on the site vs the previous year. The main countries of origin of our users have not changed: Spain at number 1, followed by Mexico, Colombia, and Argentina. In February 2020, Dr Pablo Avanzas replaced Dr José Juan Gómez de Diego at the forefront of social media for REC Publications, whose activity continues to grow: from our Twitter accounts,28 with more than 17 000 followers, and Facebook,29 with over 10 300 fans, users share and comment on the contents of the 3 journals in the family, both Rev Esp Cardiol and REC: CardioClinics and REC: Interventional Cardiology, which continue their consolidation in all parameters. The Blog of Rev Esp Cardiol30 regularly publishes interviews with the authors of our articles. This approach provides a direct insight into their research process and its main findings.

To respond to the strong interest in the COVID-19 pandemic, all articles related to this topic are available in open access and have been collected in a specific section on the website.31 The pandemic has also prompted a change in the format of the interviews in our Editor videos,32 which are now recorded via streaming.


Once again, we have analyzed the journal's production and publication times, an aspect increasingly more relevant due to the strong competition among journals. On the one hand, we analyzed the times from manuscript submission to the first decision (figure 6) and, on the other, the mean reviewer response times (figure 7). The times required for the editorial process are stable, at less than 3 weeks for original articles, which includes desk rejection. As we have seen during the entire period of this editorial team, our reviewers maintained excellent mean review times (figure 7). Once again, their endeavors deserve our sincere gratitude. We also reiterate our thanks to all of the reviewers who work with Rev Esp Cardiol (table 1), many of them without belonging to our Editorial or Advisory Boards. As always, due to the high standard of their work, the elite reviewers deserve special recognition (table 2).

Figure 6.

Time to first decision (days) and times for reviewers, both overall and exclusively for original articles. OAs, original articles.

Figure 7.

Changes in reviewer response times for Rev Esp Cardiol (for first submision of original articles) between 2007 and 2020. Time is expressed in days.

Table 1.

Professionals who collaborated as reviewers with Revista Española de Cardiología in 2020

Juan Acosta 
Harry Acquatella 
Alejandro Adsuar 
Rosa M. Agra 
Finn Akerström 
Arístides Alarcón 
Dimpna C. Albert 
Josép M. Alegret 
Fernando Alfonso 
Manuel Almendro 
Joaquín Alonso 
Pau Alonso 
Rafael Alonso-González 
Gonzalo L. Alonso-Salinas 
Ezequiel Álvarez 
Miguel Álvarez 
Ignacio J. Amat 
Dominick Angiolillo 
Ignasi Anguera 
Manuel P. Anguita 
Eduardo Arana 
Albert Ariza 
Pedro Armario 
Ángel Aroca 
Pablo Avanzas 
Pablo Ávila 
Enrique J. Balbacid 
José Banegas 
Jordi Bañeras 
Eneko Barbería 
Alfredo Bardají 
Eduardo Barge 
Gonzalo Barge 
Gonzalo Barón 
José Barrabés 
Manuel Barreiro 
Roberto Barriales 
Vivencio Barrios 
Antonio J. Barros 
Teresa Bastante 
Antoni Bayés-Genís 
Víctor Bazán 
Javier Bermejo 
J. Luis Bernal 
José R. Berrazueta 
Vicente Bertomeu-Martínez 
Agustín Blanco 
Vicente Bodí 
Rafael Bonfante 
Alberto Bouzas 
Serge Boveda 
Ramón Bover 
Marisol Bravo 
Montserrat Bret 
María Brión 
Pilar Cabanas 
David Calvo 
Francisco E. Calvo 
Naiara Calvo 
Óscar Cano 
Eva M. Cantero 
Victoria Cañadas 
Manuel Carnero 
Juan Caro 
Amelia Carro 
José Casasnovas 
José M. Castellano 
Pilar Cejudo 
Ángel R. Cequier 
Marinela Chaparro 
Fernando Civeira 
Luciano Consuegra 
Alberto Cordero 
Félix Coserria 
Juan Cosín-Sales 
Eliecer Coto 
David Couto 
Ignacio Cruz 
José M. Cubero 
Regina Dalmau 
Tomás Datino 
José A. de Agustín 
David de Gonzalo 
Jesús M. de la Hera 
Gonzalo de la Morena 
José M. de la Torre-Hernández 
Irene R. Dégano 
Juan F. Delgado 
Mónica Delgado 
Victoria Delgado 
Leonel Díaz-González 
Jesús Díaz-Gutiérrez 
Elena Díaz-Peláez 
Javier Díez 
Pablo Díez-Villanueva 
David Dobarro 
Fernando Domínguez 
Laura Domínguez-Pérez 
Alberto Domínguez-Rodríguez 
Laura Dos 
Sonia Eiras 
Rocío Eiros 
Jaime Elízaga 
Carlos Escobar 
Laura Escolà-Vergé 
M. Pilar Escribano 
Alberto Esteban-Fernández 
Virginia Esteve-Luque 
Rodrigo Estévez-Loureiro 
Arturo Evangelista 
Lorenzo Fácila 
Ángel L. Fernández 
Juan Fernández-Armenta 
José A. Fernández-Díaz 
Leticia Fernández-Friera 
Covadonga Fernández-Golfín 
Nuria Fernández-Hidalgo 
Ignacio Fernández-Lozano 
Carlos Fernández-Palomeque 
José L. Ferreiro 
Adolfo Fontenla 
Alberto Forteza 
José F. Forteza 
Eduardo Franco 
Laura Galián 
María Gallego-Delgado 
Ana García-Álvarez 
Juan García de Lara 
Miguel García-Fernández 
Alberto García-Lledó 
Xavier García-Moll 
Rocío García-Orta 
Pablo García-Pavía 
José M. García-Pinilla 
José A. García-Robles 
Juan C. García-Rubira 
José M. García-Ruiz 
Carlos García Santos-Gallego 
Juan M. Gil-Jaurena 
Juan Gimeno 
Javier Goicolea 
Josébe Goirigolzarri-Artaza 
Manuel Gómez-Bueno 
Juan J. Gómez-Doblas 
Joan A. Gómez-Hospital 
Josep Gómez-Lara 
Jesús Gómez-Salinero 
Teresa Gonzàlez-Alujas 
Antonio González-Calle 
José González-Costello 
Herminia González-Navarro 
Elvira González-Obeso 
Álvaro González-Rocafort 
José M. González-Santos 
Esteban González Torrecilla 
Francisco González-Vílchez 
Nieves Gonzalo 
Ferrán Gran 
Antonio Grande-Trillo 
José Guerra 
Carlos Guijarro 
Encarnación Gutiérrez-Carretero 
Enrique Gutiérrez-Ibañes 
Gabriela Guzmán-Martínez 
Felipe Hernández-Hernández 
Rocío Hinojar 
Ignacio Iglesias-Gárriz 
Carmen Jiménez 
Javier Jiménez-Candil 
Juan Jiménez-Jáimez 
Manuel Jiménez-Navarro 
Justo Juliá 
Alfonso Jurado-Román 
Iñaki Lekuona 
Javier Limeres 
Vicenta Llorente 
Pablo Loma-Osorio 
Esteban López-de-Sá 
Teresa López-Fernández 
José R. López-Mínguez 
Ramón López-Palop 
José López-Sendón 
Gerard Loughlin 
Íñigo Lozano 
Emilio Luengo 
Francisco Lupiáñez 
Alfonso Macías 
Begoña Manso 
Pedro Marcos-Alberca 
Francisco Marín 
Gerard Martí-Aguasca 
Isaac Martínez-Bendayán 
Efrén Martínez-Quintana 
Manuel Martínez-Sellés 
Lluis Masana 
María D. Masiá 
María Melendo-Viu 
Ana Méndez 
Irene Méndez 
Dolores Mesa-Rubio 
Raúl Millán 
Susana Mingo 
Emilio Monguió 
Lorenzo Monserrat 
Vanessa Moñivas 
Raúl Moreno 
César Morís 
Luis Nombela 
Julio Núñez 
Raymundo Ocaranza 
Soledad Ojeda 
José M. Oliver 
Jordi Ordóñez-Llanos 
Joaquín Osca 
Remedios Otero 
Loreto Oyarzábal 
Julián Palomino 
Manuel Pan 
Ana Pardo 
Domingo A. Pascual 
Isaac Pascual 
Pablo Pazos 
Rafael Peinado 
Carlos Peña-Gil 
María L. Peña-Peña 
Pablo Peñafiel 
Daniel Pereda 
Esther Pérez-David 
Leopoldo Pérez de Isla 
Armando Pérez de Prado 
Jesús Peteiro 
Antonia Pijuan-Domènech 
Xavier Pinto 
Jesús Piqueras 
Marta Pombo 
Joan Pons 
Francisco Portela 
Susanna Prat 
Raquel Prieto 
Juan Quiles 
Sergio Raposeiras 
Elena Refoyo 
Juan J. Ríos 
Tomás Ripoll 
Fernando Rivero 
Ivo Roca-Luque 
Sergio Rodríguez de Leiras 
Ramón Rodríguez-Olivares 
Luis Rodríguez-Padial 
José Rodríguez-Palomares 
Inmaculada Roldán 
Nieves Romero 
Xavier Rosselló 
José M. Rubín 
Fernando Rueda 
Joaquín Rueda 
Marisol Ruiz-Meana 
Juan M. Ruiz-Nodar 
Manel Sabaté 
Rafael Salguero 
Luisa Salido 
Pablo Salinas 
Antonia Sambola 
José A. San Román 
Inmaculada Sánchez 
Pedro L. Sánchez 
Violeta Sánchez 
Juan Sanchis 
Laura Sanchis 
Marcelo Sanmartín 
Gloria Santos 
María P. Sanz-Ayán 
Fernando Sarnago 
Marta Saura 
Inés Sayago 
Javier Segovia 
Luis J. Serratosa 
Jacobo Silva 
Alessandro Sionis 
Gisela Teixidó 
Antonio Tello-Montoliu 
Luis Teruel 
Daniel Tobler 
Jorge Toquero 
José Tuñón 
Leire Unzué 
Aitor Uribarri 
Gerard Urrútia 
Israel Valverde 
Sonia Velasco 
Rafael Vidal 
Isidre Vilacosta 
Gemma Vilahur 
Eduardo Villacorta 
David Vivas 
Gilbert W. Michel Wijntjens 
Fernando Worner 
Juan I. Zabala 
Elisabet Zamora 
Carlos Zaragoza 
Esther Zorio 
Table 2.

Elite reviewers 2020

Fernando Alfonso 
Roberto Barriales 
Juan Caro 
Amelia Carro 
David Couto 
Tomás Datino 
José M. de la Torre-Hernández 
Nuria Fernández-Hidalgo 
Pablo García-Pavía 
Ramón López-Palop 
Juan Sanchis 

As mentioned, the stability of the response times of the reviewers has been one of the constants during this editorial period,7,33–35 as in previous eras. We believe that this is one of the healthiest indices of Rev Esp Cardiol because it likely indirectly indicates that the reviewers feel as if they are a part of Rev Esp Cardiol, which is undoubtedly one of our journal's greatest assets. And although this editorial team and the previous teams have attempted to reward the efforts of the reviewers through various acts (access to the Elsevier Reviewer Recognition Platform,36 granting of training credits, inclusion of elite reviewers in the Editorial Committee, and invitations to write editorials), the reality is that the effort made exceeds any compensation that can be offered by Rev Esp Cardiol.


As in each year, we must discuss the latest published impact factor (IF), that for 2019 (published in the 2020 edition of Journal Citation Reports [JCR]37). There was a slight but clear decrease in the IF in absolute terms to 4.642 (previously, 5.078). However, the decrease is lower in relative terms, that is, if we analyze the relative position of Rev Esp Cardiol vs the other cardiovascular journals indexed. This year, we are placed at number 30 of a total of 138, whereas we were placed at number 27 of a total of 136 in the previous year, both times within the first quartile. In reality, the IF decrease in absolute terms has generally affected most journals and is related to a change made by Clarivate to the bibliometric counting process.38

Figure 8 shows the bibliometric trend for Rev Esp Cardiol in both absolute and relative terms. The most appropriate conclusion is the consolidation of Rev Esp Cardiol from the bibliometric point of view in the last 3 years in the first quartile of cardiovascular journals. Nonetheless, we believe that this situation deserves discussion. Given the variable nature of IFs, reliant on the editorial policy and idiosyncrasies of each journal, we must emphasize the value of an impartial and self-critical consideration of the real “visibility” of Rev Esp Cardiol compared with other cardiovascular journals. This visibility is probably highly correlated with the ability of Rev Esp Cardiol to generate external citations (citations from other journals) for each article published. If we specifically focus on this parameter, Rev Esp Cardiol has consistently been placed in the last 3 years within the 35% of cardiovascular journals with the most external citations generated per article. We consider this to be the best indicator of the visibility of Rev Esp Cardiol. Regardless of the IF ranking of the journal within the first quartile, we believe that this fact, impartial and objective, must be a source of satisfaction for the entire Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC).

Figure 8.

Position of Rev Esp Cardiol among cardiovascular journals (Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems) according to impact factor in Journal Citation Reports.37


Given all of the above, it is more than acceptable to highlight the work with the highest dissemination and scientific visibility in recent years. The publications of 2017 and 2018 influence the impact factor for 2018, whereas those published in 2018 and 2019 influence the impact factor for 2020 (which will be published in JCR in 2021); those published in 2020 influence the immediacy index, a reflection of the speed of the scientific visibility of a publication.

Table 3 shows this information,11,39–64 extracted from the Web of Science65 at the start of 2021. As always, the editorial team congratulates the authors of these articles. Finally, as in every year, we must mention and commend the authors of the publications receiving the awards conferred by the SEC based on scientific impact and quality (table 4).

Table 3.

Research articles, position papers and reviews published in Revista Española de Cardiología in 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 receiving the most citations in 2020*

Year  Title  Type of publication  Total citations 
2017Burden of Recurrent Hospitalizations Following an Admission for Acute Heart Failure: Preserved Versus Reduced Ejection Fraction39  Original  12 
Relationship Between Enterococcus faecalis Infective Endocarditis and Colorectal Neoplasm: Preliminary Results From a Cohort of 154 Patients40  Original  12 
Three-dimensional Printed Cardiac Models: Applications in the Field of Medical Education, Cardiovascular Surgery, and Structural Heart Interventions41  Review  11 
Cardio-Onco-Hematology in Clinical Practice. Position Paper and Recommendations42  Position paper  10 
The Ratio Between Visceral and Subcutaneous Abdominal Fat Assessed by Computed Tomography Is an Independent Predictor of Mortality and Cardiac Events43  Original  10 
Diagnosis and Treatment of Transthyretin Cardiac Amyloidosis. Progress and Hope44  Review  10 
Impact on Mortality of Different Network Systems in the Treatment of ST-segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction. The Spanish Experience45  Original 
2018Perioperative and Periprocedural Management of Antithrombotic Therapy: Consensus Document of SEC, SEDAR, SEACV, SECTCV, AEC, SECPRE, SEPD, SEGO, SEHH, SETH, SEMERGEN, SEMFYC, SEMG, SEMICYUC, SEMI, SEMES, SEPAR, SENEC, SEO, SEPA, SERVE’, SECOT and AEU46  Position paper  13 
Association Between a Healthy Lifestyle Score and the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in the SUN Cohort47  Original  12 
Spanish Catheter Ablation Registry. 17th Official Report of the Spanish Society of Cardiology Working Group on Electrophysiology and Arrhythmias (2017)48  Special article  10 
Comparison of the Hemodynamic Performance of the Balloon-expandable SAPIEN 3 Versus Self-expandable Evolut R Transcatheter Valve: A Case-matched Study49  Original  10 
Spanish Cardiac Catheterization and Coronary Intervention Registry. 27th Official Report of the Spanish Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cardiac Catheterization and Interventional Cardiology (1990-2017)50  Special article 
Association of General and Abdominal Obesity With Hypertension, Dyslipidemia and Prediabetes in the PREDAPS Study51  Original 
Number of Patients Eligible for PCSK9 Inhibitors Based on Real-world Data From 2.5 Million Patients52  Original 
2019Excess Weight in Spain: Current Situation, Projections for 2030, and Estimated Direct Extra Cost for the Spanish Health System53  Original  16 
Recommendations of the Geriatric Cardiology Section of the Spanish Society of Cardiology for the Assessment of Frailty in Elderly Patients With Heart Disease54  Position paper  10 
High-intensity Interval Training Dosage for Heart Failure and Coronary Artery Disease Cardiac Rehabilitation. A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis55  Original  10 
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Cardiology. The Future is Already Here11  Review 
Long-term Event Reduction After Left Atrial Appendage Closure. Results of the Iberian Registry II56  Original 
Clinical and Administrative Data on the Research of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Spain. Minimum Basic Data Set Validity57  Original 
Vasoactive Inotropic Score as a Predictor of Mortality in Adult Patients With Cardiogenic Shock: Medical Therapy Versus ECMO58  Original 
2020Recommendations on antithrombotic treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Position statement of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Thrombosis of the Spanish Society of Cardiology59  Position paper  11 
Coronavirus: the geriatric emergency of 2020. Joint document of the Section on Geriatric Cardiology of the Spanish Society of Cardiology and the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology60  Position paper 
Direct oral anticoagulants versus vitamin K antagonists in real-world patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. The FANTASIIA study61  Original 
Left atrial appendage occlusion for stroke despite oral anticoagulation (resistant stroke). Results from the Amplatzer Cardiac Plug registry62  Original 
Transcatheter mitral repair according to the cause of mitral regurgitation: real-life data from the Spanish MitraClip registry63  Original 
Fulminant myocarditis due to COVID-1964  Scientific letter 

Source: Clarivate Analytics Web of Science, 5 Jan 2021.

Table 4.

Articles receiving an award from the Spanish Society of Cardiology in 2020

1. Prizes awarded by the Spanish Society of Cardiology for articles published in Rev Esp Cardiol 
First prize 
Palau et al. Inspiratory Muscle Training and Functional Electrical Stimulation for Treatment of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: The TRAINING-HF Trial. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2019;72:288-297. 
Second prize 
Sambola et al. Colchicine Administered in the First Episode of Acute Idiopathic Pericarditis: A Randomized Multicenter Open-label Study. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2019;72:709-716. 
2.Prizes awarded by the Spanish Society of Cardiology for the articles published in Rev Esp Cardiol with the greatest international impact 
Most-cited articles, long-term 
First prize 
Kocabay et al. Normal Left Ventricular Mechanics by Two-dimensional Speckle-tracking Echocardiography. Reference Values in Healthy Adults. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2014;67:651-658. 
Second prize 
Gómez-Doblas et al. Prevalence of Atrial Fibrillation in Spain. OFRECE Study Results. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2014;67:259-269. 
Most-cited articles, midterm 
First prize 
Ladeiras-Lopes et al. The Ratio Between Visceral and Subcutaneous Abdominal Fat Assessed by Computed Tomography Is an Independent Predictor of Mortality and Cardiac Events. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2017;70:331-337. 
Second prize (awarded to 2 articles) 
Gómez-Otero et al. Mid-range Ejection Fraction Does Not Permit Risk Stratification Among Patients Hospitalized for Heart Failure. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2017;70:338-346. 
Saltijeral et al. Attainment of LDL Cholesterol Treatment Goals in Children and Adolescents With Familial Hypercholesterolemia. The SAFEHEART Follow-up Registry. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2017;70:444-450. 
3. Prize awarded by the Spanish Society of Cardiology for the best article published in REC: CardioClinics 
Félix-Redondo et al. Performance of cardiovascular risk functions proposed for Spain in the Extremadura population of the HERMEX cohort. REC CardioClinics. 2019;54:173-182. 
4. Prize awarded by the Interventional Cardiology Association for the best article published in REC: Interventional Cardiology 
Cortés et al. Quantitative flow ratio in myocardial infarction for the evaluation of non-infarct-related arteries. The QIMERA pilot study.REC Interv Cardiol. 2019:1;13-20. 
5. Prizes awarded by the Clinical Cardiology Association for the best articles published in Rev Esp Cardiol 
Escobar Cervantes et al. Direct Oral Anticoagulants Versus Vitamin K Antagonists in Real-life Patients With Atrial Fibrillation. A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2019;72:305-316. 
Raposeiras-Roubín et al. Usefulness of the PARIS Score to Evaluate the Ischemic-hemorrhagic Net Benefit With Ticagrelor and Prasugrel After an Acute Coronary Syndrome. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2019;72:215-223. 
6. Prize awarded by the Ischemic Heart Disease and Acute Cardiac Care Association for the best article published in Rev Esp Cardiol 
Mate Redondo et al. Hospital Mortality in 415 798 AMI Patients: 4 Years Earlier in the Canary Islands Than in the Rest of Spain. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2019;72:466-472. 
7. Prize awarded by the Ischemic Heart Disease and Acute Cardiac Care Association for the best publication 
Estruch et al. Effect of a high-fat Mediterranean diet on bodyweight and waist circumference: a prespecified secondary outcomes analysis of the PREDIMED randomised controlled trial. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2019;7:e6-e17. 
8. Prize awarded by the Heart Rhythm Association for the best article published in Rev Esp Cardiol 
Calderón Parra et al. Proposal for a Novel Score to Determine the Risk of Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device Infection. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2019;72:806-812. 
9. Prize awarded by the Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Disease Section for the best article published in Rev Esp Cardiol 
Rodríguez-Serrano et al. Changes in Adrenoceptor and GRK Expression in Patients With Chronic Pulmonary Regurgitation. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2019;72:569-576. 
10. Prize awarded by the Section on Familial Heart Disease and Cardiovascular Genetics for the best article published in Rev Esp Cardiol 
Marí-Alexandre et al. Thickness and an Altered miRNA Expression in the Epicardial Adipose Tissue Is Associated With Coronary Heart Disease in Sudden Death Victims.Rev Esp Cardiol. 2019;72:30-39. 
11. Prize awarded by the Section on Cardiac Pacing on cardiac pacing 
García-Fernández et al. Safety and efficiency of a common and simplified protocol for pacemaker and defibrillator surveillance based on remote monitoring only: a long-term randomized trial (RM-ALONE). Eur Heart J. 2019;40:1837-1846. 
12. Eighth Magda Heras prize for the best article published in an Iberoamerican cardiovascular journal 
First prize 
Carrero et al. Bicuspid Aortic Valve: Prolapse and Aortic Valve Calcification are Markers of Significant Valve Dysfunction and Major Cardiovascular Events at 5 Years. Rev Argent Cardiol. 2019;87:441-448. 
Second prize 
Franco-Gutiérrez et al. Carotid plaque is a predictor of major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events in patients undergoing coronary angiography. Arch Cardiol Mex. 2019;89:5-11. 
Third prize 
Palau et al. Inspiratory Muscle Training and Functional Electrical Stimulation for Treatment of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: The TRAINING-HF Trial. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2019;72:288-297. 

Rev Esp Cardiol is the official scientific publication of the SEC and one of its vehicles of expression. This editorial team began its journey in October 2015 with great enthusiasm and striving for excellence. Undoubtedly, we started out from a privileged position thanks to the excellent work of the previous editorial teams, whom we must praise. We also benefited from the contributions and professionalism of the staff in the editorial office. Eva M. Cardenal, María González Nogal, Helena Gómez-Lobo, and Belén Juan have been, are, and will be key to the publication of a first-rate journal and essential for taking on new challenges. The Editorial Director, Iria del Río, deserves special recognition because her proven commitment and professionalism in the editorial management of Rev Esp Cardiol ensures the high-quality of our journal, with this editorial team and those to come.

During the 6 years of this editorial period, the general working lines have revolved around several principles: a) maintaining the rigor of the editorial process, particularly regarding peer review; b) prioritizing original material, often at the expense of other more official or educational material and while attempting to maintain the difficult but essential balance that ensures all fields of knowledge are represented; c) encouraging the external visibility of Rev Esp Cardiol via international commissioned editorials; d) an almost real-time monitoring of the visibility of Rev Esp Cardiol in international bibliometric databases, which has enabled us to anticipate and make decisions from the editorial perspective that we believe to have had positive effects at the bibliometric level; and e) transparency in the decisions made and access for readers, authors, and SEC members. Based on these principles, major steps have been taken. The most important is perhaps the launch of 2 new journals within the REC Publications family, which we believe to have been highly positive for the SEC. Major milestones have been reached, such as the highest IF of the entire history of Rev Esp Cardiol, the highest level of external citation (with the associated reduction in self-citations), and the awarding of the 2019 MEDES (MEDicina en ESpañol [Medicine in Spanish]) prize. In parallel, the processes in the editorial office have been streamlined, which, together with the incorporation of 2 new colleagues (Helena Gómez-Lobo and Belén Juan), has allowed us to markedly boost the quantity and quality of manuscripts handled in Rev Esp Cardiol. All of this has improved efficiency, which has gone hand-in-hand with cost containment and better results for the journal that favor its sustainability.

Nonetheless, we undoubtedly have made decisions that could be questioned. Possibly the least enjoyable aspect of our activity is the need to reject a higher number of manuscripts to fit the available publication space, although our results reveal rejection rates similar to those of previous years. Nonetheless, the rejection of manuscripts has sometimes been an issue for authors. We wish to reiterate that decisions made regarding manuscript acceptance or rejection have always been based on a careful and thoughtful consideration of not only reviewer comments, but also editorial priorities, with the focus on the selection of the best of the material available. Regardless, manuscript rejections that have led to an author appeal have always been reassessed by the editorial team and sometimes by other external reviewers.

Perhaps one of the most novel initiatives of this team has been the establishment of a competitive process66 for the selection of a new Editor-in-Chief. The selection is based on curriculum, previous experience, and the presentation by the candidates of a project/plan for Rev Esp Cardiol in the coming years. Although this is the first time that we have launched a procedure of this type, we believe that it will be highly positive, enabling the discovery of new talent while boosting the prestige and rigor of the new editorial team and the journal itself. By the time this manuscript is published, the person who will take on the role of Editor-in-Chief for the next editorial period will possibly already have been selected. The next step will be an overlap period lasting several months to enable the new Editor-in-Chief to learn the journal procedures and select the new editorial team. The activity of the new team will finally begin in October 2021. All of us here would like to encourage the members of the next team and wish them the best in their coming adventure. The challenge is considerable but highly rewarded by the privilege of being one of the most important assets of the Spanish Society of Cardiology.


None declared.


Once again, we wish to highlight the efforts of the translation and proofreading teams, whose meticulous work, attention to detail, and perceptive comments enhance the standard of Rev Esp Cardiol. The translation team for the English version, comprising Simon Bartlett, Helen Casas, Celine Cavallo, Kevin Clayton, Simon Coxon, Jane Marshall, Greg Morley, and Anne Murray, with Gail Craigie as copy-editor, has played an essential role in the international prestige of our journal, with the resulting positive impact on the visibility of Spanish cardiology. We would also like to thank all departments at the SEC's headquarters, Casa del Corazón, whose work has boosted the visibility of the journal.

Finally, a very special thanks to the successive Executive Committees of the SEC since 2015 for their constant unyielding support to this editorial team and for making this task so rewarding.

R. Romaguera, I. Cruz-González, S. Ojeda, et al.
Consensus document of the Interventional Cardiology and Heart Rhythm Associations of the Spanish Society of Cardiology on the management of invasive cardiac procedure rooms during the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak.
REC Interv Cardiol., (2020), 2 pp. 106-111
R. Romaguera, I. Cruz-González, A. Jurado-Román, et al.
Consensus statement of the Interventional Cardiology Association and the Ischemic Heart Disease and Acute Cardiac Care Association of the Spanish Society of Cardiology.
REC Interv Cardiol., (2020), 2 pp. 112-117
J. de Juan Bagudá, M. Farrero Torres, M.D. García-Cosío, et al.
COVID-19 pandemic implications for the patient with heart failure, heart transplant and ventricular assistance: Recommendations from the Heart Failure Association of the Spanish Society of Cardiology.
REC CardioClinics., (2020), 55 pp. 94-102
P. Jorge-Pérez, P. Loma-Osorio Rincón, M. María Martín-Cabeza, et al.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation recommendations in patients with COVID-19.
REC CardioClinics., (2020), 55 pp. 165-169
REC: CardioClinics. Available at: Accessed 15 Jan 2021.
REC: Interventional Cardiology. Available at: Accessed 15 Jan 2021.
I. Ferreira-González, A. Sánchez-Recalde, E. Abu-Assi, M.A. Arias, P. Gallego, I. del Río.
Revista Española de Cardiología: annual report 2019.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2020), 73 pp. 410-417
J. De Backer, B. Callewaert, L. Muiño Mosquera.
Genetics in congenital heart disease. Are we ready for it?.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2020), 73 pp. 937-947
A. Bayés de Luna, M. Martínez-Sellés, A. Bayés-Genís, R. Elosua, A. Baranchuk.
What every clinician should know about Bayés síndrome.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2020), 73 pp. 758-762
S.D. Slavin, H.J. Warraich.
The right time for palliative care in heart failure: a review of critical moments for palliative care intervention.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2020), 73 pp. 78-83
P.I. Dorado-Díaz, J. Sampedro-Gómez, V. Vicente-Palacios, P.L. Sánchez.
Applications of artificial intelligence in cardiology. The future is already here.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2019), 72 pp. 1065-1075
G. Witberg, T. Patterson, Simon Redwood, B. Prendergast.
Future directions, Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for low-risk patients: inevitable evolution or a step too far?.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2019), 72 pp. 664-671
S. Raposeiras Roubín, A. Cordero.
The two-way relationship between cancer and atherosclerosis.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2019), 72 pp. 487-494
M.L. Peña-Peña, L. Monserrat.
Risk stratification in patients with nonisquemic dilated cardiomyopathy. The role of genetic testing.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2019), 72 pp. 333-340
J. Martínez-Milla, S. Raposeiras-Roubín, D.A. Pascual-Figal, B. Ibáñez.
Role of beta-blockers in cardiovascular disease in 2019.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2019), 72 pp. 844-852
E. Eduardo Oliver, F. Mayr Jr., P. D’Ocon, Beta-blockers:.
historical perspective and mechanisms of action.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2019), 72 pp. 853-862
V. Viana-Huete, J.J. Fuster.
Potential therapeutic value of interleukin 1β-targeted strategies in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2019), 72 pp. 760-766
S. Martínez-Hervás, H. González-Navarro.
Anti-inflammatory therapies for cardiovascular disease: signaling pathways and mechanisms.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2019), 72 pp. 767-773
Temas de actualidad en cardiología 2019. REC CardioClinics. 2020;55 Supl 1:1-70.
Revista Española de Cardiología. Atrium. Available at: Accessed 15 Jan 2021.
Revista Española de Cardiología. Viaje al corazón de las palabras. Available at: Accessed 15 Jan 2021.
Dilemas en la prescripción de los anticoagulantes orales de acción directa en la fibrilación auricular no valvular. Rev Esp Cardiol Supl. 2020; 20A:1-45.
Consenso de expertos sobre la insuficiencia cardiaca con fracción de eyección reducida: Más allá de las guías. Rev Esp Cardiol Supl. 2020; 20B:1-46.
Consenso de expertos en la coordinación de la rehabilitación cardiaca entre cardiología y atención primaria. Rev Esp Cardiol Supl. 2020; 20C:1-24.
Revisión del tratamiento con hipolipemiantes. Rev Esp Cardiol Supl. 2020; 20D:1-26.
COVID-19 y enfermedad cardiovascular. Un nuevo reto para la cardiología. Rev Esp Cardiol Supl. 2020; 20E:1-45.
Revista Española de Cardiología. Available at: Accessed 1 Jan 2021.
@RevEspCardiol. Twitter. Available at: Accessed 15 Jan 2021.
Revista Española de Cardiología. Facebook. Available at: Accessed 15 Jan 2021.
Sociedad Española de Cardiología. Blog Revista Española de Cardiología. Available at: Accessed 1 Jan 2021.
Revista Española de Cardiología. Contenido especial sobre el coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) en Revista Española de Cardiología. Available at: Accessed 1 Jan 2021.
Sociedad Española de Cardiología, YouTube. Lista de reproducción de REC: Publications. Available at: Accessed 1 Jan 2021.
I. Ferreira-González, E. Abu-Assi, Arias M.Á., P. Gallego, Á. Sánchez-Recalde.
Revista Española de Cardiología: first year activity of the new editorial team.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2017), 70 pp. 199-207
I. Ferreira-González, E. Abu-Assi, Arias MÁ, P. Gallego, Á. Sánchez-Recalde, I. del Río.
Revista Española de Cardiología: current situation and new projects.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2018), 71 pp. 208-216
I. Ferreira-González, E. Abu-Assi, Arias MÁ, P. Gallego, Á. Sánchez-Recalde, I. del Río.
Revista Española de Cardiología: expectations accomplished.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2019), 72 pp. 249-257
Elsevier. Elsevier Reviewer Recognition Platform. Available at: Accessed 15 Jan 2021.
Clarivate Analytics. Journal Citation Reports. Available at: Accessed 10 Jan 2021.
Clarivate Analytics. Journal Citation Reports: Online-Early, Ahead of Print, and In-Press Articles. Available at: Accessed 1 Sep 2020.
E. Santas, E. Valero, A. Mollar, et al.
Burden of recurrent hospitalizations following an admission for acute heart failure: preserved versus reduced ejection fraction.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2017), 70 pp. 239-246
J.M. Pericàs, J. Corredoira, A. Moreno, et al.
Relationship between Enterococcus faecalis infective endocarditis and colorectal neoplasm: preliminary results from a cohort of 154 patients.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2017), 70 pp. 451-458
I. Valverde.
Three-dimensional printed cardiac models: applications in the field of medical education, cardiovascular surgery, and structural heart interventions.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2017), 70 pp. 282-291
T. López-Fernández, A. Martín García, A. Santaballa Beltrán, et al.
Cardio-onco-hematology in clinical practice. Position paper and recommendations.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2017), 70 pp. 474-486
R. Ladeiras-Lopes, F. Sampaio, N. Bettencourt, et al.
The ratio between visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat assessed by computed tomography is an independent predictor of mortality and cardiac events.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2017), 70 pp. 331-337
E. González-López, A. López-Sainz, P. Pablo Garcia-Pavia.
Diagnosis and treatment of transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis. Progress and hope.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2017), 70 pp. 991-1004
Á. Cequier, A. Ariza-Solé, F.J. Elola, et al.
Impact on mortality of different network systems in the treatment of ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction.
The Spanish experience. Rev Esp Cardiol., (2017), 70 pp. 155-161
D. Vivas, I. Roldán, R. Ferrandis, et al.
Perioperative and periprocedural management of antithrombotic therapy: consensus document of SEC, SEDAR, SEACV, SECTCV, AEC, SECPRE, SEPD, SEGO, SEHH, SETH, SEMERGEN, SEMFYC, SEMG, SEMICYUC, SEMI, SEMES, SEPAR, SENEC, SEO, SEPA, SERVE’, SECOT and AEU.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2018), 71 pp. 553-564
J. Díaz-Gutiérrez, M. Ruiz-Canela, A. Gea, A. Fernández-Montero, M.A. Martínez-González.
Association between a healthy lifestyle score and the risk of cardiovascular disease in the SUN cohort.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2018), 71 pp. 1001-1009
F.J. García-Fernández, J.L. Ibáñez Criado, A. Quesada Dorador, Spanish Catheter Ablation Registry. 17th Official Report of the Spanish Society of Cardiology Working Group on Electrophysiology and Arrhythmias (2017).
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2018), 71 pp. 941-951
E. Enríquez-Rodríguez, I.J. Amat-Santos, P. Jiménez-Quevedo, et al.
Comparison of the hemodynamic performance of the balloon-expandable SAPIEN 3 versus self-expandable Evolut R Transcatheter valve: a case-matched study.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2018), 71 pp. 735-742
A.B. Cid Álvarez, O. Rodríguez Leor, R. Moreno, A. Pérez de Prado, Spanish Cardiac Catheterization and Coronary Intervention Registry. 27th Official Report of the Spanish Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cardiac Catheterization and Interventional Cardiology (1990-2017).
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2018), 71 pp. 1036-1046
J. Sangrós, J. Torrecilla, C. Giráldez-García, et al.
Association of general and abdominal obesity with hypertension, dyslipidemia and prediabetes in the PREDAPS Study.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2018), 71 pp. 170-177
A. Zamora, L. Luís Masana, M. Marc Comas-Cufi, et al.
Number of patients eligible for PCSK9 inhibitors based on real-world data from 2.5 million patients.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2018), 71 pp. 1010-1017
Á. Hernáez, M.D. Zomeño, I.R. Dégano, et al.
Excess weight in Spain: current situation, projections for 2030, and estimated direct extra cost for the Spanish Health System.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2019), 72 pp. 916-924
P. Díez-Villanueva, A. Arizá-Solé, M.T. Vidán, et al.
Recommendations of the Geriatric Cardiology Section of the Spanish Society of Cardiology for the assessment of frailty in elderly patients with heart disease.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2019), 72 pp. 63-71
I. Ballesta García, Rubio Arias JÁ, D.J. Ramos Campo, I. Martínez González-Moro, M. Carrasco Poyato.
High-intensity interval training dosage for heart failure and coronary artery disease cardiac rehabilitation. A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2019), 72 pp. 233-243
J.R. López-Mínguez, J.M. Nogales-Asensio, E. Infante De Oliveira, et al.
Long-term event reduction after left atrial appendage closure. Results of the Iberian Registry II.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2019), 72 pp. 449-455
J.L. Luis Bernal, J.A. Barrabés, A. Íñiguez, et al.
Clinical and administrative data on the research of acute coronary syndrome in Spain. Minimum Basic Data Set Validity.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2019), 72 pp. 56-62
S.J. Na, C.R. Chung, Y.H. Cho, et al.
Vasoactive inotropic score as a predictor of mortality in adult patients with cardiogenic shock: medical therapy versus ECMO.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2019), 72 pp. 40-47
D. Vivas, V. Roldán, M.A. Esteve-Pastor, et al.
Recommendations on antithrombotic treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Position statement of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Thrombosis of the Spanish Society of Cardiology.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2020), 72 pp. 749-757
C. Bonanad, S. García-Blas, F.J. Tarazona-Santabalbina, et al.
Coronavirus: the geriatric emergency of 2020. Joint document of the Section on Geriatric Cardiology of the Spanish Society of Cardiology and the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2020), 73 pp. 569-576
M. Anguita Sánchez, V. Bertomeu Martínez, M. Ruiz Ortiz, et al.
Direct oral anticoagulants versus vitamin K antagonists in real-world patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. The FANTASIIA study.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2020), 73 pp. 14-20
I. Cruz-González, R. González-Ferreiro, X. Freix, et al.
Left atrial appendage occlusion for stroke despite oral anticoagulation (resistant stroke). Results from the Amplatzer Cardiac Plug registry.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2020), 73 pp. 28-34
I. Pascual, D. Arzamendi, F. Carrasco-Chinchilla, et al.
Transcatheter mitral repair according to the cause of mitral regurgitation: real-life data from the Spanish MitraClip registry.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2020), 73 pp. 643-651
A. Irabien-Ortiz, J. Carreras-Mora, A. Sionis, J. Pàmies, J. Montiel, M. Tauron.
Fulminant myocarditis due to COVID-19.
Rev Esp Cardiol., (2020), 73 pp. 503-504
Clarivate Analytics. Web of Science. Available at: Accessed 5 Jan 2021.
Sociedad Española de Cardiología. Convocatoria para la designación del cargo de Editor Jefe de Revista Española de Cardiología para el periodo 2021-2024. Available at: Accessed 10 Oct 2020.
Copyright © 2021. Sociedad Española de Cardiología
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