Ahead of print 11 Oct 2023
Arrythmias and cardiac stimulation
Spanish implantable cardioverter-defibrillator registry. 19th official report of Heart Rhythm Association of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (2022)
Ignacio Fernández Lozano [...], Javier Alzueta Rodríguez
06 Oct 2023 10.1016/j.rec.2023.06.015
Spanish catheter ablation registry. 22nd official report of the Heart Rhythm Association of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (2022)
Óscar Cano [...], Eduardo Arana
06 Oct 2023 10.1016/j.rec.2023.07.006
Cardiomyopathy and heart failure
Percutaneous biventricular mechanical assistance as a bridge to heart transplant
Manuel Pérez-Guillén [...], Juan B. Martínez-León
09 Oct 2023 10.1016/j.rec.2023.07.007
Cardiopatía isquémica
Impacto pronóstico a diez años del fallo del vaso diana tras un IAMCEST. Perspectivas del ensayo EXAMINATION-EXTEND
Filippo Maria Verardi [...], Salvatore Brugaletta
10 Oct 2023 10.1016/j.recesp.2023.07.002
Miocardiopatías e insuficiencia cardiaca
Miocardiopatía por déficit primario de carnitina en el adulto, ausencia de respuesta completa al tratamiento iniciado tardíamente
Borja Guerrero Cervera [...], Esther Zorio
06 Oct 2023 10.1016/j.recesp.2023.08.013
Coste-utilidad de la telerrehabilitación cardiaca frente a la rehabilitación hospitalaria convencional tras SCA en España
Ernesto Dalli-Peydró [...], Juan Cosín-Sales
06 Oct 2023 10.1016/j.recesp.2023.07.001
Arritmias y estimulación cardiaca
Caracterización de las lesiones producidas por el aislamiento de venas pulmonares con balón de radiofrecuencia
Eduardo Martínez Gómez [...], Nicasio Pérez-Castellano
10 Oct 2023 10.1016/j.recesp.2023.09.002
Cardiología intervencionista
Seudoaneurisma en arteria carótida tras ECMO periférica
Marta Macarena Rodríguez Lima [...], Inmaculada Guillén Rodríguez
09 Oct 2023 10.1016/j.recesp.2023.08.011
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REC: CardioClinics
REC: CardioClinics is a journal from REC Publications, the family of scientific publications of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC), focused on the study of emerging fields of cardiovascular medicine, with special interest in those thematic areas with clinical relevance not covered in clinical trials This quarterly journal publishes articles in their language of submission (Spanish or English) and is indexed in ScienceDirect, Scopus, Embase, Latindex, and Dialnet.
REC: Interventional Cardiology
REC: Interventional Cardiology is the official publication of the Interventional Cardiology Association at the Spanish Society of Cardiology (ACI-SEC). This quarterly bilingual English-Spanish journal is part of REC Publications and offers free full open access. With an Impact Factor of 1.4, it is indexed in WoS Core Collection/ESCI, Scopus, Embase, Latindex, SciELO, DOAJ, Dialnet, and Medes
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