Ahead of print 24 May 2023
Arrythmias and cardiac stimulation
Reappraisal of [18F]FDG-PET/CT for diagnosis and management of cardiac implantable electronic device infections
Marta Hernández-Meneses [...], José M. Miró
17 May 2023 10.1016/j.rec.2023.04.001
[18F] FDG-PET/CT assists in diagnosing and managing pocket infections and, when combined with TEE, lead infections in cardiac implantable devices
Early hospital discharge after cardiac electrophysiology procedures without outpatient clinic support
Luis Álvarez-Acosta [...], Julio Hernández-Afonso
19 May 2023 10.1016/j.rec.2023.04.002
Very early hospital discharge after cardiac electrophysiology procedures: an option to optimize resources?
Cardiomyopathy and heart failure
Outcome of moderate-severe tricuspid regurgitation after pulmonary endarterectomy or balloon pulmonary angioplasty
Williams Hinojosa [...], Pilar Escribano-Subías
21 May 2023 10.1016/j.rec.2023.02.016
Implications of tricuspid regurgitation in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
Ischemic heart disease
Meteorin-like protein is associated with a higher risk profile and predicts a worse outcome in patients with STEMI
Gemma Ferrer-Curriu [...], Antoni Bayés-Genís
21 May 2023 10.1016/j.rec.2023.03.015
Meteorin-like protein as a new prognostic biomarker in STEMI
Results from the ACI-SEC Infarction Code Registry. The ECG also exists. Response
Oriol Rodríguez-Leor [...], Armando Pérez de Prado
19 May 2023 10.1016/j.rec.2023.03.016
Epidemiology, risk factors and prevention
30-day readmissions for circulatory system diseases in patients over 75 years with heart failure in Spain (2016-2018)
Alberto Esteban-Fernández [...], José Luis Bernal
21 May 2023 10.1016/j.rec.2023.02.017
Older patients hospitalized for heart failure: high 30-day mortality and readmission rates for cardiovascular causes
Cardiovascular surgery
Cardiac compression in a male patient with a thoracoabdominal stent-graft
Sara González Sánchez [...], Isabel María Breteau Agote
19 May 2023 10.1016/j.rec.2023.02.014
In-hospital outcomes after PCI and TAVI versus combined aortic valve replacement and coronary surgery
Manuel Carnero Alcázar [...], Luis Carlos Maroto Castellanos
21 May 2023 10.1016/j.rec.2023.02.015
Miocardiopatías e insuficiencia cardiaca
Impacto de la fracción de eyección del ventrículo izquierdo en el consumo de recursos, los costes y el pronóstico en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca
Juan Carlos López-Azor [...], Héctor Bueno
03 May 2023 10.1016/j.recesp.2023.03.013
Costes en insuficiencia cardiaca según la fracción de eyección del ventrículo izquierdo conservada o reducida. No todos iguales
Optimización de los tratamientos de la insuficiencia cardiaca con fracción de eyección reducida en la práctica diaria: propuesta de un grupo de expertos
Nicolas Girerd [...], François Roubille
19 May 2023 10.1016/j.recesp.2023.02.020
Un algoritmo práctico para el tratamiento óptimo en un plazo de dos meses en la gran mayoría de pacientes con IC con fracción de eyección reducida
Cardiopatía isquémica
Valor pronóstico de las frecuencias cardiacas bajas en pacientes ingresados con infarto agudo de miocardio
Luigi Biasco [...], Giovanni Pedrazzini
21 May 2023 10.1016/j.recesp.2023.01.008
¿Es relevante la frecuencia cardiaca al ingreso en pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo?
Resultados clínicos y de coste-efectividad de un programa de guardia de marcapasos
Moisés Rodríguez-Mañero [...], José Ramón González-Juanatey
21 May 2023 10.1016/j.recesp.2023.04.013
Programa de guardia para implante de marcapasos
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REC: CardioClinics
REC: CardioClinics is a journal from REC Publications, the family of scientific publications of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC), that covers the study, prevention and management of clinical cardiovascular medicine. This quarterly journal publishes articles in their language of submission (Spanish or English) and is indexed in ScienceDirect, Scopus, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Latindex, and Dialnet.
REC: Interventional Cardiology
REC: Interventional Cardiology is the official publication of the Interventional Cardiology Association at the Spanish Society of Cardiology (ACI-SEC). This quarterly bilingual English-Spanish journal is part of REC Publications and offers free full open access. It is indexed in WoS Core Collection/ESCI, Scopus, Latindex, DOAJ, Dialnet, and Medes.
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