Revista Española de Cardiología
Ahead of print 25 Sep 2024
Special articles
Spanish pacemaker registry. 21st official report of Heart Rhythm Association of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (2023)
Manuel Molina-Lerma, Rocío Cózar-León, Francisco Javier García-Fernández, David Calvo
DOI: 10.1016/j.rec.2024.07.012
Images in cardiology
Initial experience on percutaneous tricuspid valve replacement using the EVOQUE prosthesis
Chi-Hion Pedro Li, Lluís Asmarats, Marcel Santaló-Corcoy
DOI: 10.1016/j.rec.2024.07.013
Cartas científicas
David tras Ross, ¿una opción posible antes que Bentall?
César A. Rodríguez Canedo, Ramón Perez-Caballero, Carlos A. Pardo Pardo, José F. Gutiérrez Díez, Raquel Prieto-Arevalo, Juan-Miguel Gil-Jaurena
DOI: 10.1016/j.recesp.2024.08.015
Tendencias en la frecuentación y mortalidad hospitalaria por síndrome de tako-tsubo en España
Fernando Alfonso, Jorge Salamanca, Iván Núñez-Gil, Náyade Del Prado, Nicolás Rosillo, Javier Elola
DOI: 10.1016/j.recesp.2024.08.007
Importancia pronóstica del acoplamiento ventriculoarterial derecho en pacientes sometidos a cirugía aislada de la válvula tricúspide
Marcelo Luque, Isidre Vilacosta, Manuel Carnero, Julián Pérez-Villacastín, Alberto de Agustín, Eduardo Pozo Osinalde
DOI: 10.1016/j.recesp.2024.08.016
Sistema lumenless frente a guía por estilete en la estimulación de la rama izquierda
Álvaro Marco del Castillo, Javier Ramos Jiménez, Luis Borrego Bernabé, Fernando Arribas Ynsaurriaga, Daniel Rodríguez Muñoz, Rafael Salguero Bodes
DOI: 10.1016/j.recesp.2024.08.011
Imágenes en cardiología
Trombo intraventricular gigante con múltiples embolismos: ¿anticoagulación o cirugía?
Diana Ladera Santos, Ignacio Gallo Fernández, Manuel Anguita Sánchez
DOI: 10.1016/j.recesp.2024.08.008
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REC: CardioClinics
REC: CardioClinics is a journal from REC Publications , the family of scientific publications of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC), focused on the study of emerging fields of cardiovascular medicine, with special interest in those thematic areas with clinical relevance not covered in clinical trials This quarterly journal publishes articles in their language of submission (Spanish or English) and is indexed in ScienceDirect, Scopus, Embase, Latindex, and Dialnet.
REC: Interventional Cardiology
REC: Interventional Cardiology is the official publication of the Interventional Cardiology Association at the Spanish Society of Cardiology (ACI-SEC). This quarterly bilingual English-Spanish journal is part of REC Publications and offers free full open access. With an Impact Factor of 1.2, it is indexed in WoS Core Collection/ESCI, Scopus, Embase, Latindex, SciELO, DOAJ, and Dialnet
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